ID: black and white poster with text: “For every fighter there are 10+ supports, find your place today!”
There is a line illustration of a gun, and bellow it illustrations of items representing different tasks: a list for “logistics”, a poster for “propagandist”, a rolled up bandage for “medic”, a can of soup for “supplier”, a phone for “opsec”, a bullet for “smuggler”, a key for “safe houses”, a map for “planner”, binoculars for “spy”, and an envelope for “messenger”
Where’s the R&D section ?
I don’t know how the community defense spies do it. Many of them sift through pages and pages of conservative and fascist posts and memes and podcasts just to let the rest of the group know what’s going on. Some even have accounts in local fash orgs to keep tabs on their less public organization efforts too. Im very thankful they have the stomach for that work because it would drive me insane fast.
I did this for a while, spying in fashy communities, and while I certainly don’t regret getting information to my allies, it was terrible for my mental health. Important to know what your enemy is up to, but it’s hard to live in it for any extended period of time and not lose objectivity. I was just SO ANGRY all the time. It poisons you.
It certainly isn’t for everyone, I couldn’t do it either.
And that’s the whole point - we each have things we are and aren’t good at, and if we organise according to our strengths and appreciate we all have different needs which all matter (E: and support each other in those needs), instead of according to one hierarchy or another which inevitably (deliberately) pits us against each other, we could do incredible things.