• EatATaco@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Yeah, but Clinton got some debate questions beforehand and private chatter clearly showed that the brass preferred her. This is literally unforgiveable because, just like braindead Trump supporters, I fell for the “it was rigged” despite the complete lack of evidence. And even worse in this case because Clinton crushed him!

        • pjwestin@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Silly me, I thought that the investigation of interim DNC chair Donna Brazile that showed that Clinton had undue influence over the DNC over a year before the primary, a superdelegate system that heavily favored Clinton, and the fact that the AP called the race the night before 6 states voted was pretty good evidence. I see that this single academic paper and the fact that no one wrote about email with the subject line, “Best way to rig the primaries for Clinton,” proves otherwise.

          • EatATaco@lemm.ee
            4 months ago

            You cherry pick some facts, make vague claims to stuff, and don’t quantify at all how much they influenced the primary.

            You’re the equivalent of the trump supporters who cry “but they moved some boxes under a table!” You have nothing but suspicion, and actual analysis of whether or not there is evidence of any kind of rigging revealed nothing, in both cases.

            The facts suck when they don’t support what you want to be the truth, but it’s time to wake up and accept it.

            • pjwestin@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I don’t know what to tell you dude; I don’t know what would have happened in an alternate timeline where Clinton didn’t take over the DNC’s finances before the election. I don’t have a time machine.

              I can tell you that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that the primary was rigged, prominent Democrats like Harry Reid admitted it was an unfair primary, and when the DNC was sued by Sanders donors for fraud, they chose to argue that not that the primary was fair, but that the DNC was under no legal obligation to run a fair primary. I can also tell you that comparing real evidence of the DNC colluding with the Clinton campaign to win her the nomination (for which Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign) isn’t the same as Trump supporters wild fantasies about ballot stuffing, and anyone who would draw a false equivalence between the two is either arguing in bad faith or ignorant of the basic facts surrounding the 2016 primary.

              • EatATaco@lemm.ee
                4 months ago

                I don’t know what to tell you dude

                Of course you don’t because you’re spewing opinion, which you convinced yourself is fact, and I’m providing you with actual analysis, which contradicts what you want to be true. As I said, the facts suck when we don’t want them to be true

                Listen to yourself, youre misrepresenting the opinion of Harry Reid to make your point. You want me to point to you the opinion of establishment democrats who agree it was fair…or do their opinions only count when they agree with you?

                • pjwestin@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  you’re spewing opinion, which you convinced yourself is fact

                  This is you my dude. I’ve referenced, like, 5 different real world events, and your response is to show me a single academic article that backs up your worldview (which I’m pretty sure you didn’t read, since you didn’t actually reference any of its contents) and say I sound like a Trump supporter. You think I’m misrepresenting Harry Reid? Here’s the quote:

                  Bernie really had a movement out there, and it wasn’t right to treat him that way…I knew — everybody knew — that this was not a fair deal

                  Sounds a lot like Harry Reid is saying Bernie Sanders wasn’t given a fair shot at the primary. Sounds a lot like I was giving a fairly accurate interpretation of his words. Sounds a lot like you were spewing your opinion as a fact when you said I misrepresented him.

                  I’m done. You’re a deeply unserious person and this is a waste of my time.

                  • EatATaco@lemm.ee
                    4 months ago

                    I’ve referenced, like, 5 different real world events, and your response is to show me a single academic article

                    The article looks at many different angles, and actually quantifies things. Claiming it is a single point is like claiming that you’ve provided a single point because it was just “a single comment.” And does it really need to be explained that quantity != quality? Like you, trump supporters point to a lot of things that they find suspicious. Like you, they cant actually provide anything significant that actually would rise to stolen/rigged.

                    You’re a deeply unserious person and this is a waste of my time.

                    This is you dealing with the cognitive dissonance of wanting to believe you are evidence based, but when faced with evidence that contradicts what you think you know to be the truth figuring out a way to ignore it.

                    But realize it isn’t me you’re angry at.