Tweet Translation

Suddenly, but this is a farewell letter. I believe I will die soon. I have been defrauded by a Chinese man and subjected to threats of over 20 million yen in unpaid amounts and 40 million yen if I don’t quietly accept it.

Due to numerous threats from this Chinese man, I can no longer live without medication. While the medication is effective, I feel drowsy, and when its effects wear off, I am overwhelmed by panic and anxiety, leading to suicidal impulses.

[Details] In 2022, I established a VTuber agency called “H,” and the agency’s annual revenue reached 100 million yen. However, I fell seriously ill and sold the agency to a man I met in Shenzhen, China. He belonged to China’s super-rich class (his father is the head of a state-owned enterprise, and his mother is one of the leaders of the Fujian Provincial Government), and I trusted him.

However, after the sale (post-closing), for a year and a half, he continuously withheld payments from the livestreamers (I was covering for him) and consistently insulted them. (Examples: “All livestreamers have small brains, stupid pitches. Trash like them can’t survive in society.” “Small-brained.” “These people have low EQ.” “I want to fire them,” etc. Too many to list, so please forgive the omission.)

Moreover, until now in 2024, despite promises and signed contracts, he has never provided me with a profit and loss statement. Currently, he owes me over 20 million yen. I have urged him several times due to financial insecurity, but he has consistently evaded with excuses like “Wait,” “In a few days,” “I caught a cold, wait a few days,” and recently, when I demanded payment again, he resorted to threatening me.

Examples: “I will make you suffer.” “I hate you, so I’ll do anything.” “I’ll make a big fuss.” “Do you know what will happen?” “Don’t think it’ll be over even if you go to court,” etc.

Afterward, he added, “If you don’t like that, settle for half,” “Come on, decide quickly, or the amount will decrease rapidly,” and other threats. I have completely broken down mentally, and now I can’t survive without medication. (The worst condition in my life, and when the medication’s effects fade, suicidal thoughts arise.)

He has previously mentioned things like “Using a slightly expensive method, making companies write defamatory remarks on bulletin boards” and “manipulating public opinion.” Feeling my life is threatened in an unsolvable way, I have sought advice from several lawyers.

They have told me that it is “very advantageous,” “there is little the other party (Chinese man) can do,” but also mentioned that “even if you win in court, you cannot seize assets,” and questioned, “Is he even at his address in China?” “Is that address genuine?” Essentially, I am told that I have no choice but to accept the situation. I can no longer live. I can’t protect what needs protection.

I am consulting the police about the threats, but I don’t know to what extent the Japanese police will respond. Surely, no one will help me. I probably won’t be alive soon. Some may say, “This is China risk,” “This is what Chinese people do,” but it’s not that kind of issue. By exposing his actions, anyone could potentially suffer the same harm. I hope the information can be useful even after I’m gone.

In conclusion, even if I succumb to the threats and end my life, my only regret is my family. Please, if there is someone who can help, help.


The Youtube video she posted:

English Transcript of the video

Thanks to everyone’s hard work, Office H reached annual sales of 100 million yen.However, I became seriously ill and work was difficult.I was hospitalized with a life-threatening illness and suffered from depression (PTSD). As a video creator, I have a fatal disease. As a video creator, I have a fatal disease. I couldn’t stop shaking just by looking at the thumbnail of VTUBER. That’s why I’m just writing a script for the channel I’m currently running. At that time, I met a Chinese person in Shenzhen, China.

The main culprits in this case are Mr. LCG and Mr. G. These people are amazing people. Their father is the most important person in a Chinese state-owned company, and their mother is one of the top officials of a certain provincial government in China. Her mother is a member of the Ministry of Engineering. He said he was the person in charge of the department that posts bad things about the United States and Japan, and claims about the Chinese government, on the internet. He laughed and said that in a department with 2 million people, Mr. G existed and was looking at actual materials. In other words, he was the superman of China’s wealthy class. He says that he went out to dinner with him in Fujian Province before he became a leader. Everyone thinks that’s a lie, right? But it’s true, because this Mr. G… forever told me bad things about Mr. Xi and inside information. I loved China, so I was surprised. *The content was too long and terrible, so I’ll read more about it next time. He said, ``All Chinese people are bad people, but I’m a good Chinese person.‘’

I believed his words. This may have been a common trick.I was ill and sold H’s office to Mr. G. The two of us decided on the details, made a promise, and signed a contract…If the agency didn’t recover, we could close it for 30 million yen. The rest I want to do is 80 million.But I’m sorry, I understand if it’s split, but since I’m sick, is it okay if I close it in a month? That’s okay, I was saved because I was sick and couldn’t work. This helped my family as well. G is a really nice person, and literally everything. I’ll put it in the contract and sign the contract. However, one day in a conversation, I suddenly heard something about Mr. G. He owns many companies in China, but when I asked him, ``What kind of companies are you?‘’ he laughed and said that his work was extremely insulting to Japan and the Japanese people. Now that I think about it, I should have realized at this point that this person was dangerous, and gradually I began to feel a sense of distrust towards Mr. G.A year has passed since the business transfer, and the drivers at H Office are still working hard. But Mr. G has been here for the past year, not even a year and a half! Once, I didn’t even pay the livers their salaries. Even though it was after the closing, I did it for them.If I didn’t do it, G wouldn’t even be paying the livers their salaries. The profit and loss statement, the salary payments. Even after the closing, I worked for free all the time. He didn’t keep his promises written in the contract and made me work for free for a year and a half.

Moreover, he didn’t care about his drivers at all! They often insult and make fun of the livers who are doing their best…When I think about the livers and their fans, my heart hurts. This is only a small part of the countless stars… All the livers have small brains, stupid bitches, these trash people, even the livers K who can’t survive even if they go out into society. Liver N, Liver A, Manager K, Manager KA, all of them are like this. I would have fired them all. They all have small brains. They all have EQ problems. Oh, I want to fire them all. All of the livers are sick. They develop illnesses in turn. I want to fire all of them. Oh, I want to fire them all. Besides, there are too many of them, and I can’t handle them. Anyway, this person doesn’t recognize the efforts of the drivers who are working hard, and says that everything that went well was due to his own efforts. I’m thinking even more! I was also sexually harassed behind my back! And the sexual harassment wasn’t just for the drivers.

It’s a painful story, so I’ll talk about it in the next video. Because there are so many cases of sexual harassment, I’ll talk about it in the next video.I’ll talk about it another time. If you’re fluent in Chinese, I’d like someone from China to help with the translation. If you are interested, please DM me. There are a lot of vulgar and dirty Chinese words used that don’t exist in Japanese, and I don’t know how to translate them on my own. 2024 (two years after the business transfer) and this year.

Two years have passed since then, and Mr. G has not even once submitted the promised sales report. He still owes me more than 20 million yen. I can’t make a living if things continue like this. I can’t even protect my family. Mr. G feels like he’s about to collapse from anxiety and fear. I’ve asked him gently many times, but he always comes up with a reason to run away. Wait, a few days later. Now that I have a cold, it’s been a few days since then. Mr. G has broken his promise. He kept on making me work for free without paying me…Finally, the moment came and Eileen was the bad guy! ! That’s what everyone says! My friend C says the same thing! I was astonished. Eileen will debit the sales without permission! Eileen’s depression is a lie! I’ll sue you! If you don’t like it, settle out for 40 million yen (half of the promised price)…hey, hey! Decide quickly! Otherwise, the amount will continue to decrease! Um, even if it goes to court…huh? Do you think the trial is the end? picture? I’ll make the story bigger! I’ll make you suffer! ! I hate you so I’ll do anything! You know what’s going to happen, right? It’s not the end even if you go to court, right? At that time, I felt that my life was in danger.

I insisted that G, who did not pay salaries to livers, had paid them with his permission, but that he had withdrawn them without permission. …Even though I helped him more than he promised, and we agreed on the price and everything was written in the contract…he told me that I was a liar, that he threatened me, and that everyone hated me. I have an anxiety disorder.Everyone is saying bad things about me…maybe it’s really my fault…When I was a child, my mother beat me and stabbed me with a knife, but she wasn’t at fault, she was born with everything. I thought it was my fault. *This story takes place after the father of Draw my life passed away. I didn’t say anything, but the truth is that I was being abused for a long time.

I asked Mr. C, who told me that he didn’t like me, if it was true. The result…Well, he hasn’t said anything. In fact, he hasn’t talked to Mr. C for over a year. Then, when my depression returned and got worse, I asked the doctor if he was right, and that I wasn’t depressed and that I was just weird. no. Your symptoms are rather normal. When I heard that, I cried for about 20 minutes straight.G was simply trying to control me and buy the agency cheaply. I talked to about 10 lawyers.I showed them the contract, my claims, and the other party’s claims. Almost all the teachers say this.Since the contract is in place, there is little the other side can do. It’s a huge advantage. Problem. Even if you win in court, there’s a high possibility that you won’t be able to seize it, right? If Mr. G is in China, he will have to go to trial in China, but even if he sends a complaint to China, it will not be known whether Mr. G’s address in China really exists or whether he lives in the first place. Even if Mr. G is in Japan, the representative will be It seems like you are entrusting your funds to someone else, so you can’t seize them. Honestly, even if you put in the time and effort, you might not get anything… I heard, could it be that I was deceived…? …I think so.When I asked my friends in China who were fooled, they all said the same thing.I think G had this plan all from the beginning of the contract. I don’t want to believe it. No, but when I went to a Japanese law firm that was knowledgeable about China, I was told that this was a common method used by Chinese people. I was defrauded of 40 million yen and forced to sleep in tears. There are people who say this is China risk, and that this is what the Chinese do.

Some people may say that, but the most important thing is that this kind of damage could happen to you too… Please think about it. One day, someone like Mr. G will receive all of the things you have worked so hard to accumulate. Your family, friends, and loved ones may be robbed and subjected to unprovoked threats, and your loved ones may also be victimized someday. The lives lost during that time will never come back. Finally, this video is my I’ll tell you the reason for the suicide note. As G said earlier, he said this. You know what’s going to happen, right? When I heard that, I remembered something.G said a long time ago that after the business was sold, he would try to manipulate the internet at some point after signing the contract. If he pays the company, he will slander 5ch, X, etc. (I can’t stand it) ), so it’s a little expensive (the price that moves the contractor), but I’m thinking of doing it. As a retaliation for talking about this, I believe that G is threatening my life in a way that is impossible for me to do.I am being threatened. G will definitely retaliate against me if I tell him about this.

・I paid money to a company and used a bulletin board and a copy site. Slander against me (he has actually done this before)

・My passport is suddenly used illegally (we both took copies of each other at the time of the contract)

・Suddenly a mysterious increase in slander against me on Twitter (He said there is such a site)

・I don’t know what will come of this attack using his mother’s connections, who is a great politician.

He has already used this method on another person in the past. The lives of his family are at stake. Even though I was threatened, people slandered me, and my personal information was exposed on the internet, I did not give in to the threats and spoke out. The reason I spoke out is because we live in a world where the weak are prey to the strong. That’s because someday you might become someone’s prey. I’m scared of that and I hate it, so in exchange for my small life, I’ll tell you all about it in the hopes of reducing future damage. Finally, I’d like to ask you for the last time in your life. Please spread this video to as many people as possible. Video Feel free to re-upload it and monetize it. You can use it as you like. Please cooperate with me so that future damage can be reduced, even if just a little. Please, at the end of this life, please give me your help. I am not a blackmailer. If I can’t stand it anymore, I’ll write my real name on X (Twitter) and then I’ll end my life. Please check my name in the subsequent news reports and confirm that I have departed. Just like in the case of Sexy Tanaka and Terrace House, I will use my life to spread the truth and reduce future damage. I think that’s fine. The only thing I regret is my family.

If there is anyone who can help me, please help me.

FalseEyeD interviews the accused:

Discord Transcript from accused

He had a good business which can earn well as you can see But it was all lies. First he never went for thosr M&A agencies as far as my research goes That was much later The only place he went He lied to the M&A agencies (Merger and Acquisition) As you can see I asked my talents to set most of their stream archives private

Anyway what really happened was Eilene scammed me and he intended to do from the very beginning I’m afraid I was his fan so I Didn’t double check a lot of info he gave me So I believed the pic he painted and know the group hlive I got Just lost 3 of the gen 1 members at the same time who Welp according to Eilene just tried to steal his knowledge and went indie Those 3 gen 1 had around 85% of the revenue of hlive

What I thought was with Eilene’s knowledge and connections even we lost 85% revenue, the M&A agencies rated the business so high it couldn’t be wrong I was dead wrong because First he simply lied He never got any contract with those M&A agency The only one he talked, he lied to them and hide the fact that 3 talents just left and sent the lawyer letter for termination And he never went beyond NDA with them That’s the first lie he told me

2nd lie at the very beginning was… Despite what Eilene claimed online hlive was not a company It was never registered as company. All the talents were contractors with him and there is no banking, tax system. The management was him and one part time manager with 140k yen monthly income (a fresh graduate in JP earns about 200k yen per month …) on fantia customer support member I believe at the time only earn 100k or below. Then 3 outsource MMD workers… And for this skeleton group…hlive had 7 talents… before I took over 3 quit together Eilene told me this crew is why the business is so successful… profitable Even just 2 weeks ago on tape when I confronted him he was insisting this While in reality I have screen shots and other proof that talents left because Eileen always claimed he is sick and it took days for him to come back to talents. The only Manager also doedsn’t even reply within a day… after I took over the siutation was pretty much the same. So he lied about the group;s operation

The 3rd lie he told was about contracts. As I mentioned about hlive was not a company… it was his freelance business so all the contracts he had with talents were with him. But according to JP law once he sold his freelance business to me it closed down, so all the previous contracts he had with all the talents will become void

As the matter of fact I learned this very late from one of the lawyer who was handling his conflicts with ex HLive (yes there are 5 cases…4 were ongoing when I told over OMFG) And since he dumped this shit to me All his conflicts became mine Well but the most important part is I never known I literally got nothing Because all the contracts will go void and if talents don’t want to stay they don’t have to In reality out of 4 remaining talents I got from HLive The top earner at beginning never resigned with me and quit on 23/April… much ealrier than the rest 3 who still active And when confronted with this on tape Eilene literally said I told you’d better resign the contract But he never told me that contracts he had with girls will not be inherited Most of these were lies he told at very beginning And with all these above I made a very very stupid decision

That’s buy hlive with a totally price more than 80m The deal was like this I buy 50% of the HLive revenue with 30m [] still have 50% left And to totally get 100% I need to pay him 80m+50% of the time I spent with him 80m yen just to clarify And when I took over the group The revene with 4 members left were roughly 2m yen per month give or take (I can show you the numbers later) And half will have to go for talents So if I stop monetize members who left It will take me at least 100+ months to even pay back the debts

I think Eielen mentioned that he worked for me for one and half year for free in his video, and he also paid for talents form that long because I didn’t That’s a total lie You see the case is as a foreigner without long term visa I cannot open a bank And HLive is not a company so there was no company bank account + as a foreign citizen I couldn’t start a Japanese company alone So I have to find someone to start the company with me Because he claimed according to the M&A contract he needed to help me one month

If A Vtuber quit… graduate Usually as management we are supposed to close down the accounts right? But no Using existing leftover voice etc to keep pumping out contents on fantia…aka Japanese onlyfans Pretend they jus tgo through long haitus And keep getting the money from members who alr quit Because there was literally no way for me to get the money from Youtube Fantia Fantia is the main income but they don’t send to China due to Chinese regulation But the firm can only send money with Japan because of tax regulation So As the results All HLive money was held by them Not me I only got paid twice in first 3 months Then from I think 2022 May to 2023 Aug I never got my 50% false Payment I worked for free For 15 months Yet You go look at what this mf said in their video Oh I don’t pay my talents They worked for free (like wot he literally said he only helped me for a month) He is the victim Lmfao

False: Did you insult the talents? Yes Because I was very desperate And the taletns all know about these This happened in late 2022 or early 2023 Because I felt that it’s the end of the world Me with 80m yen plus debts So I just tell them hey You sold me piece of shit It’s hopeless I want fire everyone and quit As a form of protest Also as a form of ranting Talents know these once the vid came out and I apologized

I originally will paid 10 m yen for 30% of the revenue Then I need to pay him 20m more at the end of 2023 For just 50% and while he can collect the 50% all the time And to get to 100% I need to pay him 80m yen in total + the 50% he can collect So for example For 30m it was 50% 40m I own 60% Till 80% While as long as I don’t pay the “debt” (yes it was phrased this way) So you can imagine This is like I probably could never pay him back with the investment

False: How much have you spent so far? Rn? 33m yen Roughly I wanted to keep it at roughly 43m At the time I offerred 10m more yen to Eilen to close out the deal and allow Eilen to walk away But Eilen said anything under 50m yen was not acceptable And that they could keep running the company themselves

Also I said everyone including managers talents are ueless morons losers And I want to fire them and quit the business Cuz it’s hopeless And yes talnets and managers know this I apologized to them beforehand Idk what talents think about me but it’s very low to take these out of context I don’t care what he said you can ask my talents how I trated them They get 50% of the revenue while I subsidize all the fees Arts sometimes just one talents commissioned more than 20% of total revenue And ofc live2d Mvs All of them and I made roadmaps for them Help live2d designs I do care about them a lot and before this happened at late 2023 to 2024 I can say we were among the most wholesome Vtuber groups

We have a deticated ex Vtuber (26k subs) manager just for mental care While eilene He didn’t care shit This is clearly disgusting and an attempt to defame me with lies

False: Did they think it was a threat of a court case that kicked off the video? Yes I told them If we can’t settle I will sue

False: Are you aware of any sexual harassments allegations? No Not in anyway As you can ask all of my talents I can totally prove anything Eilen just wants to defame me because they know they have no chance to win and want to ruin me before court case is concluded

(Eilen is getting sued by multiple people) Including one ex HLive member who asked for 4m yen compensation Even as late as 2022/9 There are still lawyer letter coming to me… the virtual office of hlive for mail With people suing him

They can’t find him on phone Sorry I didn’t record that one But that’s exactly why He always hides in China

My lawyers specualated that he is trying to avoid a lot of stuff Multiple lawsuits That’s why he was so afraid if I go to court Because if I was the one at wrong why not settle with laws I’m very happy TO do so As you can see from previous screenshots