• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I can hear a Frenchman somewhere hon-hon-honing about the fact that our food culture is so pitiful, we have convinced ourselves we actually like eating an overrefridgerated supermarket sandwich out of a cardboard box and calling it lunch.

    Have you ever had a french supermarket sandwich, hen? They’re fucking awful. He’s not right

    Consider two people: one getting ready salted crisps, a BLT and a San Pellegrino, the other a spicy chicken pasta pot, the hard-boiled egg two-pack and a banana Yazoo. Which one would you rather have as your babysitter?

    Dunno, I’m not a judgemental wank like you, I’d take it on merit

    This is fucking GASH journalism and the advert for her “book” at the end says it all