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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Well, a little bit of ‘yes’ and a little bit of ‘no’.

    If it is possible over the course of the game for turn orders to be changed, or for a player to choose to draw a card, or cause another player to draw a card, then it matters in a way.

    If I can cause actions to make another player draw a card, then it is more meaningful if the deck is shuffled already, because the card that I caused the player to draw is the same as the card I would have drawn if I drawn a card instead. However, from the perspective of the user, there is no way for them to know the difference.

    I feel like it is better for the integrity of the game if the deck is shuffled for real, though. Because if ever a user finds out that it doesn’t work how it is expected, then it cheapens the experience in a way. Kind of like how the old Mario Party games determined the outcome of dice rolls when the die appeared on screen instead of when you pressed the button to ‘roll’ them.

  • There are a few inaccuracies in your statement, but It was clear the whole thing was about money from the start though, you shouldn’t be surprised about this. If you were hoping for AI to be free to you, you should have only been supportive of software that you could run on your own hardware.

    Anyway, these companies are in the position of ISPs now, where they have customers, but they don’t want to pay for the infrastructure to support the amount of customers that they have, since they can make the same amount of money without making their customers happy.

    None of that helps you… Sorry…

    Welcome to episode 1 of Black mirror reality TV series!

    Well, have fun with your pig, I guess. Haha.

  • But if they have more customers then they have to spend more resources making more product. So 1 customer at 1000x the price is more valuable than 1000 customers at the a lower price. If it costs 28 dollars to make a year’s worth of doses like this screenshot claims, then they’d make $42,222 charging a single customer the current price, while they’d only make $12,000 charging 1,000 customers the proposed price.

    So for the company to make more money than they are now, they’d need 3,519 new customers for every one current customer. Since Google says there are 1.2 million people with HIV in the United States, if they have more than 342 current customers in the united states, they are making more now than they could ever make at the proposed price. Therefore the amount of new customers is almost certainly not worth it to them.

    Money seems to ruin pretty much everything about healthcare.

  • There were a few games that worked on the OG gameboy, but were GameBoy color games, the ones that come to mind first are Pokemon Gold and Silver. You could play them on the og gameboy, without color and missing some hardware features, or you could play them on the Gameboy Color as they had intended you do. It was a really nice addition.

    I always thought of the GBC as its own generation, since the games were mostly incompatible, just as I thought of the GBA as its own generation for the same reason, but really, it’s almost just arbitrary.

  • There was a bump out, but I don’t think it physically stopped you from putting the cartridge into the console, I don’t have a GameBoy on me to check right now though. You’re right about the missing notch though, but that would only stop you from starting it on the original Gameboy and not the Gameboy Pocket or Super Gameboy. I know for sure I saw the Pokemon Crystal error screen when I tried to play it on the wrong device after being able to play Pokemon Gold on the older hardware.

    Maybe I’m the one misremembering?

  • I’m impressed they’re sticking with cartridges, since that has been a source of issues with some games. I appreciate it myself. I like them.

    This guy is kind of silly for saying that this has been the only time there have been games that fit into the old system, since you could totally put Gameboy Color games into the Gameboy Pocket, they just wouldn’t work. They’d scold you and be like “This game can only be played on the GameBoy Color!”.

    I hope there’s no forward compatibility, where games must target the lower spec hardware, since that’s the same thing holding the Xbox Series X/S, I hope there’s backwards compatibility though, it’d be nice to tuck my old Switch into storage.