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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Lucy is very much like my wife. She’s autistic, we both are, and she has trouble with talking too much for some people and being considered “weird” like Lucy is.

    I feel really bad for Lucy. During an outtake she told a weird wild story and Greg remarked on it. Lucy then apologized, saying in a low voice “I’m talking too much again” and I caught a glimpse of her wiping tears away.

    She’s definitely weird, but wonderful with it, I just wish Greg would be a bit more tolerant of the weirdness. But I also admit I’m hugely biased because of how my wife is, and how much it hurts her feelings for people to mock her autistic traits.

    Oh BTW this is in no way a dig or snark at you, I’m just being weird and sharing too much as well, lol!

  • Several things worked for me:

    • At the beginning of my work day, I have to login to Jira and view my tickets. I visualize myself doing that, and then creating my to-do list for the day from org-mode. It brings forward unfinished tasks from the previous day, so there’s a process or workflow: log in, open Jira, start new to-do file, compare file with Jira, update either Jira or the to-do file or both. I guess it works because it’s not just the to-do list, it’s several other things happening at the same time. So you’re not “updating a to-do list” you’re “starting work for the day”. Reframing the action can sometimes help.
    • Gaming it. If I get asked for a status update, I get “points” if I have the information I was asked for already in either Jira or my to-do file. That’s enough for a little dopamine reward because I was prepared. This follows a thread in my life where I really value being prepared ahead of time. Like anticipating cars ahead of me and braking before they do. How much of the future can I predict and adapt to with the minimum effort?
    • Visualizing. This is a bit woo-adjacent. I picture myself sitting down at my desk and remembering my to-do list. It works for me, but most people look at me like I’m a Sasquatch or something! Visualize doing something the next time you sit at a particular desk, or when you enter the office. I hope it works for others too!

    If I think of more I’ll add it in other comments. I really hope you can find some tricks that work for you!