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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • It also forces Russia into a defensive war where they have already committed all their forces for an Offensive war. This will force Russia to either give up parts of Russia, or withdraw troops from Ukraine to retake parts of Russia. And also I’ve seen reports that Ukraine is having to slow progress because of processing surrendering Russian soldiers.

    I figure once Russia withdraws troops from Ukraine to reinforce itself, Ukraine will likely pull back and swoop in and take their territory back.

    Then we’ll see where this goes, either Putin will withdraw and try to get peace, or he’ll act like a cornered animal, and will get more unpredictable and erratic. There is always the chance that Ukraine will refuse peace talks and just keep marching on Moscow too. Either way, by pushing into Russia they are changing the dynamic of the war drastically and can finally put Russia on the defensive without worrying about losing support from NATO allies.

  • As an Arizonan, if Mark Kelley goes, I’ll be sad to see him go, but I think he’s a great guy and would do amazing in the position. So we’d either gain a great VP, or I’ll keep a great Senator, so I’m OK either way. But from a political standpoint, Mark Kelly, being a white male, an astronaut, etc brings a bit of the familiar to the ticket for people who may be undecided but lean right. And coming from a swing state, it could cement the undecided votes to swing in her favor and could influence other swing states as well. And the same might be said about any of the picks, but the one I’m most familiar with is the one from my own state, and I think he’d do a pretty damn good job and he’d do that job with integrity.

  • Because harassing the Jurors won’t change the outcome of the case since the Jurors have already done everything they are going to do, so harassing them can no longer harm the case, which is probably his primary concern. He obviously would prefer that Trump not attack them, but he’s giving Trump rope and a warning, so we’ll see if Trump ignores the rope, or if he can’t help himself but to open his mouth and stick his head in it.

  • From your own usa today article:

    according to the poll of 1,261 adults surveyed May 21 through May 23. It found third-party candidates Cornel West and Jill Stein — not Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — are making the difference, pulling support away from Biden.

    Emphasis added by me. And I agree, with the article, other 3rd party candidates are likely to pull more from Biden than Trump, but also in agreement with your article, not RFK Jr. And it goes back to people pushing RFK Jr as a threat to Biden, when in reality he’s not at all a threat to Biden. Its FUD being pushed by bad actors and people are falling for it and is distracting people from the real threats to Biden, which is Cornel West and Jill Stein.

  • I can’t see a world where RFK costs Biden a higher percentage than Trump in any state, that seems like FUD being spread by bad actors. I am not saying anyone here is a bad actor, I am just thinking that people are fearing the worst possible outcome and bad actors are praying on that to push an agenda and because of Wizard’s First Rule (“People are Stupid. People will believe anything because they want to believe it or because they are afraid it might be true.” [Amusingly that quote comes from an Author that if he were still alive would probably vote for Trump]) it spreads, just like most other misinformation.

    You can’t just say he’ll cost Biden 0.1% in Michigan without also considering how much he would affect trump, if he costs Biden 0.1% and Trump 0.9% he still only gets 1% of the vote, but it hurt Trump 90% more than it hurts Biden, which in the end will actually improve Biden’s position. And the newly (within the last 4 years) never-Trumper republicans who would never-Biden as well who votes for RFK Jr can’t be counted as a “biden” vote since they would never vote for him to begin with, if anything its a vast majority of 2020 Trump votes that are shifted to RFK Jr.

  • your share price is wrong, its $31.06 right now down from $34.72 at opening today (about 11.5% down). Hopefully it’ll be down to less than a penny before Trump is allowed to sell them, that would be amazing. It was down to $30 earlier (about 13.6% down), but its rebounding slightly on people buying the dip so they can lose it tomorrow as it continues to drop. Less than a month ago (May 30) it was up to $55/share, so in 2.5 weeks its dropped 43.5%. From its High of $66.22 on April 25, its lost 53.1% of its value. So less than 2 months it lost over half its value, lets hope it loses the other half in the next 2 months.

    Edit: 2 days later and its currently down 58.82% from April 25 to $27.27 a share, so it lost 4 bucks in 2 days already. Lets-a-go, if it keeps this pace it’ll be worthless by next weekend. Though its highly unlikely that will happen that quickly, likely going to see some pumps and dumps and rebounds while steadily keeping the trending direction.

  • My initial question was did this “researcher” just discover SMTP Open Relay? Cause if so I can do the exact same thing by configuring my SMTP server to open relay then using telnet to connect to it and issue the SMTP commands directly and it will send the email as though sent from whatever email address I want. This has been a known issue with SMTP for decades at this point and can’t be reliably resolved with SMTP, but since the whole world uses it for email, its probably not going away any time soon. However to mitigate it as much as possible is what DMARC DNS entries are supposed to help with, by providing assurance that the email was sent by an SMTP server allowed to send email on behalf of the domain.

    I used to send people emails from themselves to demonstrate why they can’t trust the “from” address when they get an e-mail.

  • When I was an E4, I worked with a piece of shit E6 who decided he hated me for no reason one day. I had never been disrespectful to him but he went out of his way to try and get me in trouble and was just generally a dick to me every chance he could be. His attempts to get me in trouble all failed because literally I did nothing wrong. He once told me I needed to respect him because he was an E6 and had earned it. I told him I give his rank the respect it deserves, I stand at parade rest when talking to him, I answered his questions respectfully with a “Yes, Sergeant” or “No, Sergeant” but due to the way he treats me and started treating me like crap for no reason, I did not and would not respect him as a person. He did not like that, but there literally wasn’t anything he could do about it. He told me I needed to drop out of college and focus 100% of my efforts on being a soldier and I should just do everything he says because he outranks me. I told him the Army is not my career, I’m doing my 4 years and getting out, and so ETS’ing with a degree is more important to me than spending that time to go above and beyond the standards the Army required. And of this was said respectfully, and was overheard by his section lead, so while he was upset I didn’t just bend over and suck his E6 dick, he couldn’t do shit about it because ultimately I was 100% in the right. My uniform was clean, pressed, had all the creases it was supposed to and my boots were shined. They weren’t a mirror every day because I didn’t spend 3 hours shining my boots every day, I did once a week and then kept them above the minimum standard required through the week, then my next day off I’d tear them down and rebuild the shine. So my uniform was still in better shape than most peoples so him singling me out was very much bullshit. The guy ended up getting himself in trouble more than anything else. I never got in trouble for how I treated him since ultimately I never did shit to him and always gave him the respect required for his rank. But not 1 step beyond that, and he didn’t like that, but there wasn’t jack shit he could do about it. His own supervisor (an E7) made him apologize to me on 2 occasions when he witnessed his bullshit.

    Like when he told me to do something which that morning the E8 in charge passed down to us that we were not to do this specific thing. So when I said I couldn’t do that for him over the phone, he forced me to get relieved so I could come up there and explain in person why I wouldn’t do what a higher ranking NCO told me to do. So I explained according to E7 Guard Commander X, E8 Master Sergeant Y passed down these instructions. And the response was “So, Guard Commander X told you this?” “Yes, Sergeant” “That’s all you had to say, get the fuck out of my office.” I relayed that conversation to the Guard Commander (who was in my chain of command, this guy was not) And within 5 minutes, I was called back to his office, that his boss shared with him, and got to stand there while this E6 being glared at by his E7 boss apologized for his behavior.

    Then when I was close to ETSing the dude “randomly” chose me to be piss tested every single time it was his job to conduct it. Literally on my day off while I was an hour north of post at college he couldn’t find me in the barracks to “randomly” piss test me, so he told everyone if they saw me, I needed to go to him. So 4 hours later when I returned from school, I got the message, and then he chewed me out for not arriving earlier. Like bitch, its my day off, I was at college, I came as soon as I got back, what more do you want? Turns out he didn’t even need me, he let slip he only needed someone with the last name starting with “R” so he was able to easily just piss test someone else. But he intentionally was singling me out to be his “R” person every single time. That guy was a piece of shit and I think exemplified this perfectly.

  • Gmail wasn’t even the first, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, there were tons of free email offerings, even sites that would host your whole website for free like geocities. Gmail came into the market when 3rd party email being free was already well established. They just followed an Apple style of development, taking something that already exists and made a better version of it. Also back then their motto was still “Don’t Be Evil” and they mostly still kept to it, so they used that goodwill and the better user experience to grow it at a massive rate. And for the most part, its still the best experience for email for many cases.