Green cap as new symbol of support? We definitely can’t wear red ones anymore.
Green cap as new symbol of support? We definitely can’t wear red ones anymore.
Judging from the dearth of new ideas in the game industry, Assassin’s Creed: Veritas et Aequitas is still very probably going to happen. Seemed like the natural next step after Syndicate.
I bought this on itch. Played through all the way to the non-ending and I didn’t undestand it. Is it some mythology or cultural reference? What is Qud?
You’re too kind
(Subtle enough?)
Who is that one guy in the trifecta? Almost feels like this image was meant to draw attention to him.
(Edit: That is Thomas Homan)
I’ve had a chance to watch it now. Even he understands the spirit of the sentiment. Despair (hopelessness) leads to inaction, anger spurs it on.
We can be hopeful once we’re free.
You cannot educate the unwilling
Anger is more useful than despair
– by Terminator
If the justice system worked, they would be deposed, not killed.