The world didn’t used to be like this. A busninesses reputation was built on how it treated its customers, and Americans demanded and got quality products and services at a price normal people could afford.
Now every FUCKDAMN restaurant wants a 30% tip, and now I’m getting PRESSURED TO TIP THE CASHIER AT A GAS STATION?!
Look I get it, times are tough and those people deserve more BUT IT SHOULD COME FROM THE VAST UNCHECKED PROFITS OF THE COMPANY THAT THEY ALLOW TO EXIST!
But NooOOoow we’ve NORMALIZED customer abuse and dark patterns, we just ‘oh gee damn’ extra fees and not owning anything.
Oh I agree but in my case, I will not assume yours, my entire economic voting power can be completely undone by an order of magnitude from one trust fund kiddies party weekend.
With the economy being what it is, I have near zero discretionary money and my brand choices are limited by cost pressure so as much as I want to boycott most of the big 4 food conglomerates, sometimes that means not eating for a few days.
If we were in our grandparent’s economy, these companies would be FIGHTING for our dollars, but now we are basically captured cows being milked in increasingly more cruel and nuanced ways.
And I don’t see a way out of it without tearing down capitalism completely.