The world didn’t used to be like this. A busninesses reputation was built on how it treated its customers, and Americans demanded and got quality products and services at a price normal people could afford.
Now every FUCKDAMN restaurant wants a 30% tip, and now I’m getting PRESSURED TO TIP THE CASHIER AT A GAS STATION?!
Look I get it, times are tough and those people deserve more BUT IT SHOULD COME FROM THE VAST UNCHECKED PROFITS OF THE COMPANY THAT THEY ALLOW TO EXIST!
But NooOOoow we’ve NORMALIZED customer abuse and dark patterns, we just ‘oh gee damn’ extra fees and not owning anything.
I don’t know who you think ‘you guys’ are, but I can barely afford to pay attention and have vegetarian days at least three times a week due to budget constraints.
Sure there are a fucktonne of other people with disposable money that can just not care about a 20% increase in their cellphone bill for nebulous reasons.
For mea that means I don’t have gas for work, so no I get on the phone and argue till they reverse it.
So, when you say ‘you guys’ know your target audience.
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Every day is a vegetarian day for me
If that’s what you’re into fine by me but it’s not completely by choice in my case.
“Vegetarian days”?
Do you know how privileged that sounds? That’s what most of the entire world considers normal, or even lucky, and you’re up in arms because the privilege you’ve grown accustomed to is being sapped by others for their own gain?
Wake the fuck up, white boy. You were never any different in the eyes of your owners.
edit: Silly me, forgetting what “majority rule” means. My bad, brah.
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Why shouldn’t we be up in arms that our resources are “being sapped by others for their own personal gain” seems like a pretty sensible thing to be pissed about.
Banned AF