Of course I could do better, give a map to a toddler and they could have done better. Think about it this way, which would you chose to try to defend, an airport in a city of 4.5 million (semi-hostile) people, or at an AFB that they put billions of dollars into 1 hour north surrounded by desert?
I mean this response is indicative of a lack of critical thinking about what it means to head up the entire US army
Not that I have a hard on for Harris, the military industrial complex or neoliberalism, but I do recognize that overly simplistic solutions like this are extremely ill-considered at best.
Of course I could do better, give a map to a toddler and they could have done better. Think about it this way, which would you chose to try to defend, an airport in a city of 4.5 million (semi-hostile) people, or at an AFB that they put billions of dollars into 1 hour north surrounded by desert?
I mean this response is indicative of a lack of critical thinking about what it means to head up the entire US army
Not that I have a hard on for Harris, the military industrial complex or neoliberalism, but I do recognize that overly simplistic solutions like this are extremely ill-considered at best.
I am confused is it hard to realize how bad of an idea it was to exit in the middle of a huge city?