• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Please correct me if I’m wrong. I just want to make sure I’m understanding this.

    He just admitted that his goal is to quietly litigate porn into non-existence by passing age verification laws on one end, then flood the courts with frivolous lawsuits with all sorts of human rights allegations in order to bankrupt what’s left. And from there, use the same strategy to effectively litigate anything else they don’t like out of existence, while also not making it a campaign issue or even all that well known publicly because he knows that these positions are hugely unpopular and would cost elections, because fuck you that’s why?

    He does seem to jump on the Trump method of handling things. Either get what you want legitimately or litigate your opponent into bankruptcy until they don’t have the resources to fight any more. But I’m sure he also heard the call to arms from Clarence Thomas saying that the Supreme Court has their back, so he probably figures if his ilk are going to seize power through the courts because they know they can’t win elections, there’s no better time to do it than now.