• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    I’m all for having an honest debate about our politicians, and calling them out when they cowtow to the other side and either don’t lay down their policies to be held accountable or end up not doing what they promise, and in a Bush v. Gore situation, I’d even condone punishing Team Blue in one election to encourage them to be more Blue next election, but I’m not sure that that’s the smartest policy when Team Red has gone full Fascist. We get 2024 wrong, we may not get a 2026 or 2028 to fix it.

    And to understand the downvotes, you have to understand the environment right now. Russia’s got a vested interest in the US falling to Authoritarianism. Trump wins in November, it’s only a matter of time until Russia snatches up parts of, if not all of, Ukraine, and wins a bigger seat at the International table as Trump turns a blind eye to Russia’s adventures in the world. Their strategy is to rally right-wing voters behind Trump, while distract Lefties with things like the war in Palestine, not getting exactly what they want domestically, and whatever else the Russians can dig up to shut down the Left as they work on revving up the Right. While I’m not saying EVERY criticism of a Leftie by a Leftie is Russian propaganda, I AM saying that there’s an awful lot of Russian propaganda posing as Left-Wing criticism of Kamala Harris, and this all serves the goal of depressing Left-Wing participation in the election so the Authoritarians can win.

    Lemmy ‘voters’ are expressing that they think RangerJosie is either a right-wing plant, a ‘useful idiot’ Leftie, or a Russian troll (or bot). Each of these are bad in their own ways, and all three lead to the same outcome – an authoritarian takeover of the government that will leave lefties high and dry for a long while. Your own downvotes are coming from people who think you’re aiding Trump and are dishonest about your intentions, and you sure don’t help yourself with your replies.

    And you’re bitching about modding? The moderators shut down any attempt to call out the paid actors or bots over ‘civility’. They sure aren’t shutting down the dishonest attempts by Russia to shut down Left-wingers and amplify authoritarians.