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For this Wednesday Super Slop Night, we’re dusting off two of the 1950s classics of slop. First up is The Court Jester (1955), a medieval absurdist-comedy swashbuckler in glorious Technicolor, concerning a circus performer (played by Danny Kaye) who masquerades as a jester to take down an evil usurper (Cedric Hardwicke) with the power of puns and slapstick, winning the affections of a pair of princesses (Glynis Johns and Angela Lansbury) along the way. Much silliness ensues. Dudes rock. This is a big cult classic, and one of the better-regarded Hollywood comedies of the 50s. It is the magnum opus of both of its directors, Melvin Frank and Norman Panama. Looks cool; let’s watch.

After that is The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957), the best-regarded film of director Jack Arnold, who is otherwise best-known for Creature from the Black Lagoon (1957) and It Came From Outer Space (1953). A scientist accidentally exposes himself to a chemical that causes him to gradually shrink, and attempts to stop the process do nothing. Soon, he’s ant-sized, and his home has become a death trap, with even his own cat becoming a lethal hazard. Will he escape from his predicament? I guess we’ll find out. This is considered one of the best sci-fi films of the 50s, and also features some of the best special effects of the era. We’ll start at 8PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!

Letterboxd: links:

CWs for The Court Jester:

  • Dead animals.
  • Someone is physically restrained.
  • Someone falls down stairs.
  • Abduction of infant.
  • Kidnapping.
  • Deaths of parents.
  • Suicidal ideation.
  • Crying baby.
  • Objectification of female characters.

CWs for The Incredible Shrinking Man:

  • Spiders.
  • Bugs.
  • Needles.
  • Body horror.
  • Body dysmorphia.
  • Sad ending.

Links to movies: