• President_Pyrus@feddit.dkOPM
    8 days ago

    Jeg har ikke nogen kilde på det, men jeg har hørt Claes Theilgaard (journalisten bag artiklen) omtale DLFP som en “moderat” version af PFLP. Dog ikke mere moderat end at de deltog i terrorangrebet 7. oktober 2023.

    Hvis jeg kan modbevises tager jeg gerne mine ord i mig igen.

    • President_Pyrus@feddit.dkOPM
      8 days ago

      Nu har jeg lige læst lidt mere om DFLP på Wikipedia:

      The DFLP’s armed wing, the National Resistance Brigades, confirmed their participation in the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel through their military spokesman Abu Khaled.[26][27] On 7 October, during the attack on Israel, they claimed to have lost three fighters in combat with the IDF, and said on 8 October that they were engaged with Israeli forces in Kfar Aza, Be’eri, and Kissufim.[28][third-party source needed]

      The DFLP has since fought the IDF alongside Hamas and other allied Palestinian factions in subsequent battles throughout the Gaza Strip.[7][8]

      Selv hvis en organisation ikke står på USA’s terrorliste, så ville jeg altså opfatte en organisation som har deltaget i en terrorhandling (specielt sammen med andre terrororganisationer) som en terrororganisation.