With the use of Heroic game launcher, I’m wondering if you all preferred to play your GOG version of games over the Steam version. I can go either way but sometimes I pause and think, having two copies of the same game, one on steam and one on GOG, which one would give me a better gaming experience. For example, I may choose the GOG version because I don’t have to deal with pre-shader work being downloaded every so often. I can just into my games. Yet, Steam achievements and seeing the game’s metadata is always life: seeing the game info, store page, community stuff about the game, and more all there. So what do you chose? GOG game or the Steam game.

  • Mr_Vortex@lemmy.sdf.org
    11 months ago

    I would personally love to use GOG for their buy-to-own model, but I’m incredibly tied into the Steam ecosystem. I just can’t live without Remote Play Together for playing with distant friends, the Workshop is incredibly convenient for modding, and free no-setup cloud sync of all my saves is a no-brainer. Gabe Newell was right when he talked about piracy being a service issue. If you provide the best service, people will keep coming back.

    In that same vein, I’ll never buy another Ubisoft title as long as I live. Their crappy launcher makes it impossible to play their games on Linux.

    • tal@lemmy.today
      11 months ago

      I do kind of wish that there was a Steam Input equivalent that wasn’t tied to Steam. Linux has the technical underpinnings to be capable of creating virtual controllers from other controllers, have per-app settings, but the actual implementations out there are kind of lacking.