One is theft and an infringement of privacy for nefarious ends and the other is a painting. There’s a world of difference between agreeing to let someone paint you and a corporation using your data to train AI. Spinning this basic reality into sinophobia is mind boggling. There are people in this thread shitting on Google for the same thing. Would you call it amerophobic to criticize Google for the same shit? Of course you wouldn’t
I never said it was sinophobic I said that they’re utilizing peoples preexisting dispositions to consolidate power in the AI space. Which is objectively true, the large companies are currently doing everything they can to demonize open source models.
One is theft and an infringement of privacy for nefarious ends and the other is a painting. There’s a world of difference between agreeing to let someone paint you and a corporation using your data to train AI. Spinning this basic reality into sinophobia is mind boggling. There are people in this thread shitting on Google for the same thing. Would you call it amerophobic to criticize Google for the same shit? Of course you wouldn’t
I never said it was sinophobic I said that they’re utilizing peoples preexisting dispositions to consolidate power in the AI space. Which is objectively true, the large companies are currently doing everything they can to demonize open source models.