As more clearly dedicated hunters trickle into our slice of the fediverse, let’s take the opportunity this smaller community gives us to share how Monster Hunter found us.

    3 months ago

    MH Tri was my first. I remember getting the demo from GameStop and just being amazed. I easily put 600 hours in the game sleep bombing Alatreon and fighting Jhen Mohran.

  • Firestorm
    3 months ago

    It’s a long story, but essentially, I played the game for the first time with my older brother back when MH2NDG came out and Freedom Unite hadn’t come out yet. Played Freedom Unite a lot when it came out, put the series back down for a whole until my best friend told me to get a 3DS and 3U to play together.

    Played a lot of 3U, 4U when it came it, loved Generations and Generations Ultimate on the Switch a lot (latter is probably my favourite MH game by a wide margin), World I found ok, didn’t play a lot of Rise.

    Kind of on a hiatus right now with the series

    1 year ago

    My friends and I got access to the MH:W demo on the PS4. We played it a decent amount leading up to release day and pretty consistently found ourselves coming back to it. By the time Iceborne came out, we were practically veterans with hundreds of hours put in and we made the switch to PC. It’s been tradition ever since. World, Iceborne, Rise (first on Switch, then again on PC) and lastly Sunbreak. We were starting to feel burnout pretty hard by the time Sunbreak rolled around, but I’m sure we’ll get together to hunt in whatever’s coming next in the series!

    In World I mained IG then later in Rise I mained LS. Thinking about picking up GS in the next one… 🤔

    1 year ago

    First off, thanks for setting up this community!

    A friend who had played the prior games convinced me to try MH:W on PC, and I really enjoyed it. As my first MH game, I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time. Got Rise and Sunbreak on the Switch. Countless carts and cat puns later, I’m still enjoying the series.

    • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1N@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 year ago

      Hey, my pleasure. I’m just a dude that loves Monster Hunter and really likes this fediverse idea, so I want to make sure hunters have a place to land.
      Welcome to the grind, glad your Fifth Fleet adventures were fun enough for you to stick around.

  • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1N@lemmy.worldOPM
    1 year ago

    I inherited my addiction from a coworker/friend. I was recruited to help him pass a wall he could not solo through in MHFU: the infamous Plesioth hipcheck barrier. He set me up with an LBG, probably the most straight forward weapon for a non-hunter gamer to grasp. From there, things just spiraled as I lost control of my life. Through fortunate timing, Tri was only months from release when I started my MHFU journey, so I developed my habit right as a steady supply of the primo ish was starting to come out, and I haven’t wanted to or been able to shake the habit since.

    10 days ago

    I’ve bought a used PSP with some games and one of them was Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. The game felt really weird, slow, pretty confusing and most of all quite difficult. Since I couldn’t get any new games I had no choice but to play the ones I got (I’ve had Patapon, Burnout and like two other, can’t remember). I’ve been pretty intrigued by the game, it was unlike anything I’ve ever played and I kinda like the cozy atmosphere of the village, the little farm, had a nice selection of interesting weapons. I kept playing the game in small chunks until it all just kinda clicked and I’ve been a fan of the series ever since (even though I’m still not that good at it).

    1 year ago

    Growing up my dad would always do a silly amount of research into the best video games to get my brother and I. And they were always relatively unknown - games like Zack and Wiki, and ofc Monster Hunter. So for my 10th birthday I got Monster Hunter Tri, that’d just released that year. He also bought a classic controller for me, as he’d heard that it was borderline necessary.

    I loved the game to death. I’d literally just wander around Moga Woods and live off the land for as long as possible. I ofc sucked at the game tho, getting totally walled by some of the first monsters like Qurupeco. But I didn’t really care as I’d just go back to messing around in the woods.

    Eventually I hit a wall so hard that it led me to quitting the game. Gobul. I rage quit and didn’t fully come back to the franchise until years later. I would play on and off for a while, but it took years for me to fully get into the series. I had a 3ds and saw that a demo for 3U was available, so I tried it out. I loved it, and immediately went out and bought both 3U and 4U. Been playing ever since.

    I’m actually playing through Tri for the first time since then now that the servers are up, and having a blast!