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  • 99 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2024


  • Honestly. I’ve found nearly every medical professional hates when you know more than them about your disease. In my experience it sort of makes them treat you worse. So I tend to try and steer things into the way I want them without being explicit if you know what I mean.

    Say I want to try low dose naltrexone (which is a cheap non-patented drug, that has minimal side effects and may help a few autoimmune diseases, research is mixed, and since there’s no patent no one is bothering to actually conduct large trials).

    Instead of asking if I can try the drug. I’ll ask the doctor if they’ve heard of it, what they think of it. Then say I have the kind of symptoms the drug helps. I guide them towards what I want instead of saying it explicitly. Because for some reason, saying it explicitly seems to raise red flags and you never get what you want.

    But yeah I have a stigmatised disease that was psychologised for decades and doctors treat you horribly in general when you have it so maybe I need to resort to measures that others might not need to.