What even is color if not seconds^-1?
What even is color if not seconds^-1?
Dang, guess i got reverse poed then. Don’t remember what they said in the second comment, but i remember it being just so perfectly nonsensical while fitting the meme so well, that i assumed it just had to be a joke
They’re just joking. They’re exhibiting the same behavior criticized in that meme to mock it further. Unless you’re going along for the joke, in that case don’t mind me
Fork her look
Id watch a 2h youtube video about this 👀
turbo cancer
Edit: wtf, thats an established conspiracy theory. I thought it was something he just made up on the spot
“Well, I’m gonna sneak into your country and do this job there and then not cash any of your friggin’ checks! How will you like that?! You won’t, because you’ll be here!”
Slanfield got me actin up