I vote with my wallet. I don’t buy games that have scummy conditions or requirements. There are too many other choices out there to justify supporting companies who treat their customers poorly.
You forgot to include alcohol!
Seriously, though, it just appears to me that it wouldn’t take much to turn that situation into a tragedy but I don’t know a darn thing about sailing. I went one a few charity motorcycle rides and they felt the same: too many people who’s abilities are unknown and mostly likely more than a few who were drinking.
Beautiful, but the first thing to come to mind: “That looks like an accident waiting to happen”
So for common folk like myself, what do I need to do? I used Authy for a few sites. Can a bad actor pretending to be me now get access to those sites?
Cool ceiling tile
“You and I have memories, longer than the road that stretches out ahead” is such a simple yet powerful lyric that captures how I feel about my relationship with my wife. Knowing we have more time in the past then what is left for us in the future is both amazing and daunting. Realizing how many great memories we made through those years. All of that captured in one line of one of their lesser songs. But, if they aren’t your cup of tea, that’s cool too.