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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2024


  • US free range and EU free range are not the same by far.

    In the US, free range poultry must:

    • have access to the outdoors for more than 51% of the animal’s life

    In the EU:

    • hens have continuous daytime access to open-air runs throughout their lives
    • the open-air runs to which hens have access are mainly covered with vegetation and not used for other purposes
    • the open-air runs must at least have 4 sqm per hen, with adequate shelter, drinking and feeding facilities

    And that’s in addition to different food safety standards that make most US poultry non-importable to the EU.

  • and you can park cargo bike there? how are you going to do that? do the parked cars suddenly disappear?

    There are no parked cars, on-street parking is rare and expensive here, it’s mostly free market instead of city-subsidized, so around 30 EUR a day on-street or 70 EUR a month in a big garage.

    They disappeared 50 years ago when cities realized they don’t fit in.

    or are going to just illegally park it on the sidewalk, because rules don’t apply to you?

    No, I’m legally parking it on the sidewalk if it’s for a delivery dropoff, and in my own real estate for storage, instead of the idiots who stop on the road with their cars/trucks and block traffic for everyone.

    always think some problems don’t affect bikes, just because they are rather curiosity right now.

    No, they are and have been the norm in the Netherlands and neighbouring territories now for 50 years, and they work, and we simply don’t have a lot of problems related to car-centric infrastructure. Actually, it makes it easier to travel by car, since there are less traffic jams, safer streets for everyone.

    I have choice. I don’t need to buy and maintain a car to live. If I like, I can rent one for cheap for a single trip, but I can take the same trip by train or bike. I can work while commuting, I can go to the neighbouring city with friends, get drunk, and get home safe by train.

    Cars limit people.