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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I have been talking about this for a while now. The video is interesting in how it breaks down some of the issues (how vegans indirectly challenge accepted norms and traditions), but I think one thing they missed is very important. And it isn’t unique to vegans. HOW vegans act is incredibly grating to others, and the bigger picture is that this is how many liberal groups act leaves a bad taste in the mouth of more centrist people.

    In the video the lady mentions how vegans can be seen as pushy and self-righteous. Again, it isn’t just vegans. Liberals are terrible at connecting with the general public. As she mentions in the beginning of the video, most people consider themselves animal lovers to some degree, so how can groups like PETA be so hated. There are the issues that she mentions about going against societal norms and subconsciously bringing up the thought that people who eat animals also state they love animals, but I think a huge part of it is also HOW groups like PETA spread their message. They use in-your-face abrasive tactics.

    And other liberal groups do the same. There are those environmentalists who block entire highways to spread their message. They aren’t accomplishing anything other than turn people who might sympathize with their cause and turn them against them. They block tired people who just want to get home from work and force them to sit in traffic for these protest. Their tactics breed animosity.

    Liberals (especially in the US) need to take a long, hard look at how they spread their message and need to change their tactics quickly. They are doing more harm than good.

  • desktop Linux is totally viable

    I think this shows the opposite.

    If a FREE option that claims to be more efficient/faster (but usually isn’t in real life) is less than 2% of the market, something is wrong. Very, very wrong. Since when do people turn down free stuff, unless that free item is that bad?

  • It’s still 45% marketshare Android vs 55% iOS. With the way the title reads, you’d think Android was down in the single digits and barely hanging on.

    Personally I just don’t see how anyone uses iOS. The iPhone I have is just awful. The UI is clunky and I’m absolutely baffled why this stupid phone weighs so much. That’s not a good thing, damn it. My Samsung is infinitely better device in my opinion. But I’d still love to see a third player come in. I was sad when Microsoft killed off their phone OS. It might not have been great at the time, but more competition is always better. And then if course there’s also PalmOS. So sad to see such a cool OS die off.