Psst… your projection is showing…
Reddit -> ->
4th times the charm, right?
Psst… your projection is showing…
Honestly, yeah! If it’s not going to happen, fine, that’s life sometimes. If I’m doing something that doesn’t work for you, or you want something different, how tf am I supposed to know that? I’m not psychic ffs. If you fake an orgasm, you get what you deserve.
This reminds me of the anti-vax protest in Wellington, where they camped outside parliment for like 2 weeks. Naturally, there was a covid outbreak, and some LEGEND managed to convince them that their symptoms were a govt. radiation weapon, and that wearing a tinfoil hat would protect them
This reminds me of the anti-vax protest in Wellington, where they camped outside parliment for like 2 weeks. Naturally, there was a covid outbreak, and some LEGEND managed to convince them that their symptoms were a govt. radiation weapon, and that wearing a tinfoil hat would protect them
Gonna need a bigger bathroom
“It was a stupidity, a mistake,” he told Bild newspaper. “I am getting serious threats. I have apologised to St Pauli.”
Why do these people always think just throwing in a “lol jk” is gonna make this better somehow?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. How squeaky clean must the guy be if the worst thing you can say about him is “oMg hE’S tOo oLD to PLay vIDEo gAMeS!!1”
Absolutely solid VP pick
I remember the Wallace & Gromit doco about this…
redistribute his assets to
his employeeseveryone
His fortune could fund UBI for a looong time
It was an opinion piece by one of the editors
It seems like no matter which way this election goes, it’s going to be an absolute shit show. (which is no excuse to not vote, just so we’re clear)
Thanks. I was really just wondering why all the standalone ui’s were so similar, which I think you’ve answered. I’ve heard of emudeck, but not tried it. Will give it a look
I do worry about that.
It theoretically shouldn’t be a problem here. We’re listed as each others primary emergency contacts, and we’ve been together longer than 2 years, which over here grants you most of the same privileges as marriage anyway. So it hopefully won’t be an issue. I just hope we never have to test that.
Actually, where I know it will matter is if one of us had to die unexpectedly, but that can be negated by just having a proper will drawn up… which, come to think of it, we should really do…
My partner is not a girl, she’s a woman, and she more than a friend to me. She is my partner in life. So yes, it is more formal than “girlfriend.” That’s the point.
And no, I won’t marry her. We’re not religious, and we don’t believe the government should have any input in our relationship. We’ll happily have a ceremony, but she will still be my partner at the end of it.
So no change then
The mindset of the whole Israeli government is pretty astounding. It’s like they feel entitled to do what they’re doing, and anyone who vaguely hints at “maybe genocide isn’t your strongest play?” is vilified. Israel is always the victim, no matter who or what is being done. It has strong “the left stole the election” vibes
I don’t like this timeline. How do I get back to the one where the monopoly man had a monocle?
“Elon Musk’s” “new department” seeks “super high” IQ “staff” for “unpaid jobs”