• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • These are direct quotes from DFV in his livestream. He never says where his mountain of money came from - only that it was his.

    • “I’m the one active on my accounts”
    • “the accounts I’m showing and my positions are MINE”
    • “I’m not working with anyone else”
    • “I’m not working with hedgefunds”
    • “I’m not an institutional investor”
    • “Those positions I posted are my only positions”
    • “…there’s no other positions”
    • “…no other folks i’m working with”

    I’m not sure about the “legality” of lying about these things on a Youtube livestream while trolling with buffoonery, but it’s a possibility. I personally think he was being truthful, albeit very selective with his words.

    I absolutely doubt he was able to scrape together 200+ million (after taxes!?) by himself. We were all shocked he had the financial means to double down in February 2021, and I assumed he tapped a massive line of credit when he quadrupled his position just a few months later. Hundreds of millions, however, is waaayy beyond a 3rd mortgage. Note he did NOT say how he came up with his mountain of money, only that it was “his”.


    • A whale individual(s) with a penchant for chaotic good could’ve gifted him ~$300 million (-1/3 for taxes) with no strings attached - with the assumption, but not the requirement, he’d use the money for a massive GME play. No need to speculate on names.
    • Ironically, he could’ve been paid as a consultant by Gamestop for something extraneous (no insider info) with a very handsome payout & no regulations on how he spent the money he “earned” without access to insider info.
    • Anonymous crypto donation by Russian oligarch via a proxy to DFV as part of an economic warfare tactic, with the desired effect of discrediting the US stock markets and inducing economic stress to force austerity measures & stifle aid to Ukraine.

  • I’m going to suggest possibly irresponsible advice, but step 1 - you need to solve your depression and porn addiction, and ASAP. For that you could try therapy, and/or psilocybin or DMT… Not a heroic dose, but enough to get introspective from an altered POV. Therapy is the obvious long-term recommendation, but the psychedelic route may get you there faster, and you might learn a few things, such as your social obstructions or root causes.

    Second, you need a close friend, at least one, preferably one who is also your desired romantic demographic. Maybe not someone who you’d normally “go for”, but who you’d be happy spending time with - platonically, romantically, whatever it does not matter. The goal is to ground yourself with empathy for that person, and they for you too.