• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Gaining momentum within the movement, keep public attention high, pressure politicians to public statements, legitimise other forms of protests, encourage public debate, inspire involvement of people who generally support them, to name a few.

    On the other hand there isn’t a single form of protest that wouldn’t be either ignored or used as an excuse for inactivity by the people you claim to want to reach. Or could you name even a single example that would make them actually do something?

  • Or you fell for the propaganda that’s discrediting them.

    At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. Far too little is being done against climate change, on every level - socially, politically, economically, individually. One would have to wonder what the fuck is happening if we didn’t have some form of protest. They are necessarily going to become more extreme as time goes by, and they will have every right to do so.

  • Now that’s just BS, sorry. Not a single person who was on the fence of doing something against climate change will go “oh well but I didn’t like the method of those protesters, now I won’t do it”.

    The people who are constantly looking for excuses to do literally nothing are lost to climate action anyway. Every meaningful progress will have to be won against those people, not with them. If even slight inconveniences are too much to ask from them sure, they will shout and cry how this protest is the reason, but let’s be honest: They were never going to be a part of the solution anyway.

  • Würde mir da auch mehr Kommunikation wünschen. Oder… überhaupt mal Kommunikation. Matrix ist Mist für sowas, da könnte der Admin gleich auch einen Mail Newsletter anbieten statt einfach mal hier was anzuheften.

    Einen Vorwurf machen kann man aber wahrscheinlich nicht. Life’s a bitch. Sachen passieren. Und klar ist dann das Lemmy-Hobby zweitrangig. Das würde jede*r anderen von uns auch so gehen.

    Es zeigt halt aber einfach, dass dieses Projekt in dieser Form zum Scheitern verurteilt war. Sowas kann nicht an einer Person hängen, oder dieser Point of no Return wird zwangsläufig irgendwann erreicht, sobald halt privat was dazwischenkommt.

    It was nice while it lasted. Lasst uns was draus lernen und die nächste große deutsche Lemmy Instanz auf nachhaltigere Füße stellen.