Don’t forget about Blue-Footed Boobies!
Don’t forget about Blue-Footed Boobies!
Yeah, he’s an illegal immigrant, get it right.
I’m not even from anywhere close to there and was wondering where the cheese references were. I think Thank You for Smoking taught me that.
This meme doesn’t make sense to me, shouldn’t “my plans” be above the guy in the apron and the years be above the bearded guy? That’s presuming the intent was to say the plans were fucked up by the events of those years. In which case, the first panel is meaningless.
The dialogue was so bad, I don’t think anything would have really helped.
Well, ideally Bernie would have won reelection in 2020 so he wouldn’t have been able to run this time.
If it’s not elephant garlic, it’s probably nasty inside. I’ve found that big produce is usually over-ripe/rotten.
It is the Democrats fault that there are so many cowardly, weak-minded losers in charge of the party though.
He also knows that ignorance of the law is not a legitimate defense, even if it’s fake ignorance.
Thanks for this, I was wondering about the 50 pence sticker, now I see someone changed it from cents.
Should have released this article yesterday, I did them at midnight.
Oh, so Jesus just had one nut, the Holy Ghost had the other one, and God obviously had the Heavenly Shaft. Got it.
Jesus and God are two different entities, we were discussing “The Father”.
Well God, that’s pretty sexist. You don’t need a penis to pee.
Peeing implies waste, which implies imperfection. If god were really God, his body would be 100% efficient and he wouldn’t consume anything he didn’t need.
They quoted you, lol
Christians? They’re pretty baked in to the American system, good luck excising that tumor.
Ross Don for Fewer