That’s quite the party. Interesting that the USA wants to be seen with those others, but you gotta agree to compromise if you plan to do some light crimes against humanity from time to time without getting prosecuted.
That’s quite the party. Interesting that the USA wants to be seen with those others, but you gotta agree to compromise if you plan to do some light crimes against humanity from time to time without getting prosecuted.
And then compare it to the output gains of renewables here:
If they need help, I’d be willing to send some additional bootstraps for them to pull at. Even half a roll of paracord.
That was one of those 1 and something inch tiny drives. They were crap
turned on coal/oil
Like others already said and you can read in my response or the link provided, they turned off coal.
No, not really.
- What was the gap left by nuclear power filled with?
Nuclear power had a total output of just under 30 terawatt hours (TWh) in the year before the last three plants went offline and output dropped to zero. On the other hand, the output of renewables was 237 TWh in the period between April 2022 and the final phase-out step. In the year after 15 April 2023, renewables had surpassed the previous year’s output, reaching nearly 270 TWh by early April, according to Fraunhofer ISE researcher Burger. With a net increase of more than 30 TWh, the additional output of renewables alone thus more than compensated for the loss of nuclear capacity in net public electricity generation.
Fossil power sources contributed 210 TWh to electricity production in the final year of nuclear power use, when Germany had deployed additional coal power capacity as a safety measure in the energy crisis. However, the fossil fuel-fired power plants’ output dropped markedly in the following year and stood at about 160 TWh by 15 April 2024. In fact, the use of coal power dropped to its lowest level in more than half a century in the same year Germany went nuclear-free, meaning fossil fuel did not see a revival to fill the gap. According to an analysis by the anti-nuclear NGO Greenpeace, energy sector emissions in Germany dropped by 24 percent.
I got mine, moved some songs into it and an hour into listening the drive started clicking and the player was dead. Amazon replaced it and it was exactly the same. I forgot what model it was, but the discs were extremely fragile.
No you!
I have decades more experience in being a child and I think it looks stupid.
They’ll be fine. All they have to do is trust Jesus.
Another job an AI has taken. Poor souls.
Ok, how much? He’s got plenty of sinks where that first one came from.
Time to create an account
DDOS now means distributed distribution of sex, obviously.
Except the mp3 players from Archos, which gave up after setting up. Twice.
Does he employ savvy defendants though?
“We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”
No Sir, you’re right Sir. 😞
Geez, how intolerant!
It’s not free. Those plants were old and had to undergo massive maintenance measures. And to build new ones costs absurd amounts of time and money. Renewables are cheaper and faster.