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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • Hard working? Depends who you talk about, laborers like factory and construction workers sure and those kind of workers actually work pretty normal hours. But the stereo typical salaryman, who we all think of when we imagine an overworked Japanese worker, they don’t work hard. Japanese office workers are the most inefficient workers you will meet. Yes they work long hours but they need those to actually get shit done. Most of their day is wasted on socializing and performative work like wasteful meetings and basically just pretending to look busy.

  • It’s like when people read or watch a period drama that takes place before the 20th century and then they wish they were born back then. They forget that they would be born as a peasant or slave working the fields or mines and every decade they and their sons are forced into the meat grinder of war.

  • Also depends if it’s the end of summer or the end of winter. If it’s the end of summer I would freeze my balls off, if it is the end of winter I’m sweating my balls off. It’s that brown fat that makes a huge difference and you make a lot more of it with cold exposure, many adults barely have any of it during the summer.