You must buy the cards or they will put you behind the bars.
Everyone knows kids turn sexy at 18. 17 is close enough.
The south has a unique blend of high deference to police and low education. Someone thinking the best way to get teen girl nudes is to become a cop and abuse his power had Bible belt vibes to me.
Had a bunch of fun with it a while ago, but it feels like there’s a huge mouse movement lag and I really can’t get used to it again.
How about you review my fuckin’ nuts, your honor.
And a goat. That’s gotta count for something.
Fuckin love bismuth. I still have 5 pounds of it from a failed attempt to make crystals. Girlfriend bought me a bismuth crystal bowl as consolation.
“Fully functional.”
If this doesn’t have a pop out motorcycle…
Charlie kirk but it’d be really hard to hit.
I hate when my card shop gets nuked.
Upside: pharma companies stop making massive profits
Downside: we all die from preventable diseases.
Win some lose some 🤷
Maybe trump will unilaterally appoint him and ignore senate approval and AG Gaetz will jail him for being a little bitch.
Don’t worry, trump promised to deport all the illegal immigrants.
Suddenly trump being reelected isn’t so surprising, eh?
I guess the question is are they lying? Or are they being truthful and only 40 trucks were sent because orgs are getting tired of their people exploding? Either way…