• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I am a part of the Gemini protocol community. Newswaffle is a service hosted on the Gemini protocol to render web pages as gemtext (a simplified variant of markdown). Newswaffle the web article scraper is developed by Acidus. Here is newswaffles github .

    I’m not a developer for it however I am one of the few people on this planet who actively use it and have had many email conversations with the dev over the years. Some of my suggestions made it into their services like lowtechmagazine be added to main newswaffle page and the simple English Wikipedia being added to their wikipedia gemtext mirror.

    The github you linked is actually to the portal.mozz.us which is a seperate project that let’s me share Gemini protocol stuff like newswaffle over the web with regular people who dont really know about or understand Gemini and the small net. portal.mozz.us is developed and hosted by Michael Lazar (Mozz)

  • Its not just AI code but AI stuff in general.

    It boils down to lemmy having a disproportionate amount of leftist liberal arts college student types. Thats just the reality of this platform.

    Those types tend to see AI as a threat to their creative independent business. As well as feeling slighted that their data may have been used to train a model.

    Its understandable why lots of people denounce AI out of fear, spite, or ignorance. Its hard to remain fair and open to new technology when its threatening your livelihood and its early foundations may have scraped your data non-consentually for training.

    So you’ll see AI hate circle jerk post every couple days from angry people who want to poison models and cheer for the idea that its just trendy nonesense. Dont debate them. Dont argue. Just let them vent and move on with your day.

  • You got this! Technique can be difficult to get down for any heating method or really anything with skill involved. It boils down to doing it 10 times, 50 times, 100 times, 1000 times and learning the timing a little bit better each cycle.

    I love the wand. By the first month with dynavap I knew I wasn’t a torch person. I wasn’t a fan of needing to spin the dynavap constantly for even heating or replacing butane constantly.

    Electric heating is very convinent, even, and I can hit on the DV as its actively heating while feathing power on and off. No more refilling butane just charge it like a phone. The Auto sensing feature is nice so you ca take DV out and in without it turning off. USBC charging (not PD though). If it broke I would get another one (might wait for a sale though, dynavap puts it on sale for 90$ every few months) its that good.

    Only complaint is that the batteries it came with are cheap no name brands with a plastic skin which makes taking the back off a pain in the ass. If I ever save up for spare batteries I’ll get two sets of good ones and put the no names in storage. Also temp settings is a glorified timer.

    I feel exact same way as you was kind of fustrated there wasn’t any good economical prebuilt IH. So I started off with a 10$ induction heater board off amazon and wired it up myself.

    Fortunately the coil and wires just screws in no soldering required. If you are interested in details on how to power and how well it works it let me know don’t want to hit you with unsolicited technobabble on a diy thing.

    For other IH option I think there’s the dynacup for 50-60$

    If you become a real vaping nerd and want a completely different way to heat your Dyna thats neither torch nor induction heaters ive heard that eds woodscents are absolutely phenomenonal. Pricy sure but I think I would buy one of those over the ballvapes you hear people talk about.

  • Thanks for sharing, knew him from some numberphile vids cool to see they have a mastadon account. Good to know that LLMs are crawling from “incompentent graduate” to “mediocre graduate”. Which basically means its already smarter than most people for many kinds of reasoning task.

    I’m not a big fan of the way the guy speaks though, as is common for super intelligent academic types they have to use overly complicated wording to formally describe even the most basic opinions while mixing in hints of inflated ego and intellectual superiority. He should start experimenting with having o-1 as his editor and summarize his toots.

  • Although I dont have tinymight I have seen lots of great things about it on internet forms. If 350$ is in ops price range for a portable vape it seems like a solid convection option. If op likes that square condensed form factor for easy pocketing but needs something more budget friendly arizer Argo is 150$. I can’t say on its performance though as I dont own one but arizer is an overall solid company in my experience.

  • Dynavap + induction heater with removable batteries and usbc charging like the wand. Dynavap has no batteries and you can use it with a butane torch. Some people like the ritual of a torch spinning it and stuff. Induction heater lets you heat it with electric energy. The wand IH has usbc charging (not PD) and removable batteries. Though the one I got has cheap batteries with plastic sleeves that make removing back cover hard. Pros+

    can do hash/concentrate One hit extraction techniques as well as terp chasing techniques

    Comes in stainless steel, titanium, wood, and glass variants.

    Big bowl hyperdyn has dosing capsules.


    USA based but they do have EU store. Expect shipping to take time.

    The parts are overpriced IMO when not on sale. Its good quality stuff though.

    Induction heaters cost a lot unless you diy it yourself.

    Not the easiest device to maintain and clean. Has orings, removable screens, and builds up reclaim inside fast. Get the B to see if its for you, good price. some people like he dv experience some dont. I like it a lot I’m a big fan of H2 dynavap and the wand IH. If you dont mind going China knockoff you can try to find an EU store that sells vaphits.

    Arizer air max was my first electronic portable and I can recommend it. Its a good build quality. Its usbc (though not PD so slow charging)The stem pod system is easy to maintain and plenty of after market stems. Has removable battery and held up for over a year now. Its a good terp chasing device. However its not as powerful as a dynavap. Its a slower extraction that produces a steady light vapor for some time. Not a one hit extraction capable device. Also works better with a preheat. It can’t really do hash/concentrates. Great battery life though.

    Arizer extremeq. I’m not sure just how portable you need, if you want an in the pocket vape its not really what youre looking for. But if you only want an around the house easily movable thing that doesnt Need a cord well.

    The arizer EQ is a desktop vape very powerful and able to do one hit extractions and concentrates. It has an excellent build quality mines over a decade old and still kicking.

    Even though its marketed as a desktop vape and comes with a wall outlet cord, it is a 19-20v 3.25A DC device like a laptop, that can be powered with a portable battery pack like a car jumper pack with usbc-pd 65w. Im leaving out some details on how to exactly wire it up it for brevity but if thats something you are interested in let me know.

    Pros: more powerful than any standard battery portable vape. Goes up to 500f

    Gold standard build quality. Mine has lasted a decade.

    More versatile. has a blower fan for filling bags or if you have weak lungs and need help drawing.

    Comes with large chamber hookah hose design. Some like the hose.

    Cons: Easy to pick up and move around but not pocket portable. More of an around the house vape. About as portable as a small bong.

    Not specifically made to be battery powered with usbc-pd 65w but can be due to having the same power draw demands as a laptop. You need to buy some special cables and a compatable battery pack.

    The default glass chamber and hookah hose aren’t that great IMO. In order to truly complete the EQ you need a smaller chamber closer to the ceramic heater core and direct draw. In other words, you need after market glass from DDave to get the most out of your eq experience. I’m a big fan of his one hit extraction kit with omega wand. It essentially uses removable. basket screens as dosing capsules

  • Hey @brucethemoose hope you don’t mind if I ding you one more time. Today I loaded up with qwen 14b and 32b. Yes, 32B (Q3_KS). I didn’t do much testing with 14B but it spoke well and fast. Was more excited to play with the 32B once I found out it would run to be honest. It just barely makes the mark of tolerable speed just under 2T/s (really more like 1.7 with some context loaded in). I really do mean barely, the people who think 5t/s is slow would eat their heart out. However that reasoning and coherence though? Off the charts. I like the way it speaks more than mistral small too. So wow just wow is all I can say. Can’t believe all the good models that came out in such a short time and leaps made in the past two months. Thank you again for recommending qwen don’t think I would have tried the 32B without your input.

  • Thanks for the recommendation. Today I tried out Mistral Small IQ4_XS in combination with running kobold through a headless terminal environment to squeeze out that last bit of vram. With that, the GPU layers offloaded were able to be bumped up from 28 to 34. The token speed went up from 2.7t/s to 3.7t/s which is like a 50% speed increase. I imagine going to Q3 would get things even faster or allow for a bump in context size.

    I appreciate you recommending Qwen too, ill look into it.