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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Edit: Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar errors, I wrote this while tired, which causes me blurry vision.

    It’s Transphobia, that’s what it is, all of it. There’s no logical reason to FIRST target this as a budget cut, like wtf.

    Within the past week or two, I’ve basically have been accepting the fact that I’m transgender, after literal years of questioning. It’s shit like this that makes me want to closet myself back in. Why is it not normal for people to just simply have respect (human decency!) For people’s varying sexualities and gender identities. It’s not hurting anyone.

    It may be easily seen as entirely sexual, but it’s really not, because that’s really correlated to love, features of your body, etc. But there so much more to it than that. All of this is normal for human beings to do, it’s only been thought of being normalized in recent years, and people are just now finding comfort in being open about it.

    I just want everyone to be able to (within reason) be comfortable, confident, and be open about who they love, what they feel about themselves, how they want to express themselves. And I don’t mean making entire personalities about it (I think some of us have to be more involved about it, because we have to fight to exist), but not making or going out of your way to discomfort them.

    Let us live, in peace, please. We don’t want to hurt anybody.

  • Don’t agree with the take, but shouldn’t have been removed either way.

    I am almost 18 years old, I’ve been dealing with chronic pain before I even started my teen years. Started out with just Chiari 1 Malformation, now it’s spine/spinal cord deterioration, arthritis, nerve damage, and apparently having a dislocated shoulder previously??? All of this on top of my main brain condition.

    It’s been a minute since I’ve been to an acupuncturist because my family is often busy, but I seriously do feel that although temporary, helped a large portion of my back pain and headaches. It has done what some seriously powerful prescriptions could not. I go to someone local in my area, in Texas, and I just can’t see how this is somehow linked to the CCP?

    I get acupressure (cupping) done more often, cause we have a set at home, and that too has helped a good chunk of my pain. I don’t give a shit at this point if it’s placebo or not, I felt relief, and that’s all I give a shit about on the matter.