• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Yeah, #2 is both more space efficient and more time efficient.

    How I’d generally do something like that:

    1. Create an empty linked list.
    2. Generate a random integer between 0 and 51 inclusive.
    3. Iterate over the linked list and increment the random integer by one for each integer in the linked list less than or equal to your newly-generated random integer. You can break out of that loop as soon as you hit the first integer in the linked list greater than the newly-generated integer.
    4. Binary insert that integer into the sorted linked list.
    5. For the denomination, output the newly-generated integer modulus 13 plus one. Translate 1 to ace, 11 to jack, etc.
    6. For the suit, output floor of the newly-generated integer divided by 4 plus one. (Translate zero to “hearts”, one to “diamonds”, etc.)
    7. Loop back to step 2 51 more times.

    Step 3 can definitely be optimized much more with a B-tree and a little thought. If you want jokers included, it’s pretty straightforward. (Just change step 2 to generate a random integer between 0 and 53 and tweak steps 5, 6, and 7.)

  • It’s definitely speedrun sort of technique. Not in “intended mechanic”, though not technically a “glitch”, arguably. It’s just a consequece of how the physics engine works. It’s also referred to as a “bomb impact launch” or “BIL”.

    The short version: You jump off of a ledge, go into bullet time by pulling out your bow, lay one bomb, wait until just the right time, lay your other bomb (both in mid air) just so that your bombs are lined up, detonate the first bomb, pushing the second bomb into Link.

    While in bullet time, forces are massively multiplied, so the force of the bomb being pushed into Link exerts a massive amount of force, sending Link flying. It’s a really nice trick for locomoting and widely applicable. But definitely takes a good amount of practice to get decent at.

    Oh, also, you can see OP doing a windbomb in the above video. And if you search Youtube, you can find a ton of great guides on how to do windbombs.

    There’s something newer called “BLSS” (bomb… link… slide… something… I forget what it stands for, lol) or “Bless” that’s probably a little more powerful/fast. I got out of speedrunning before that was discovered, so I never learned how to do it. I’ll probably learn at some point.

  • I was really excited for CJDNS (not to be confused with “Domain Name System”) at one time. It’s a mesh networking protocol. And they’d established an “Internet 2” (as in, a sequel to “The Internet”) based on the CJDNS protocol called “Hyperborea.”

    I haven’t heard anything about CJDNS in a good while now. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were other efforts looking to do something roughly the same, but I’m not up to date on anything more recent.

  • I’ve been playing TotK. (Working on 100%'ing it. I’ve got 52 Korok seeds left to get, and no guides. Probably still have some sidequests to do.)

    I miss windbombs so much. The Tulin gust thing is great and all, but it’s really aenemic compared to a good windbomb.

    I never got any good at BTBs. Probably why I never tried to speedrun plain old Any%. (I stuck to a couple of individual levels when I was speedrunning. I’m this guy if you’re curious.)

    Also, this might be a hot take, but I believe with all my heart that BotW is a “better game” than TotK, but not on purpose. BotW feels kindof unfinished, but I still don’t like TotK anywhere near as much as I like BotW.

    I don’t really see myself replaying TotK much. I’ve played BotW like 4 times now (not including speedruns.) And 100%'d it once.

    Edit: Oh! Whistle sprinting too! That was the first thing I tried as soon as I started TotK.

  • I quit my last job when they started threatening to force us to go hybrid.

    I live close enough to my current employer’s headquarters to commute daily, but they literally don’t have sufficient space to put everyone, so virtually my entire department is 100% work-from-home.

    The current CTO shot his mouth off at one time about requiring us to be in-office without realizing how much blowback there would be. But the timeline he had in mind is beyond unrealistic, and middle management told us lower-on-the-totem-pole folks as much.

  • Not really a similar story, but the OP brought it to mind.

    I once applied for a position as a software developer. It said “Java and RPG.”

    I hadn’t done any Java in about 4.5 years at the time. And I’d never so much as touched RPG.

    When they asked if I’d done any Java programming, I responded that it had been a few years, but I’d be “brushing up” on it. I wasn’t completely new to it.

    But I said since I’d never touched RPG, I had been studying that in preparation for the interview.

    And the interviewer looked at me funny and said “why?”

    I explained that it was in the job description for the position I’d applied to. And he basically facepalmed, exasperated at whichever department was responsible for the job listings.

    I’ve worked there for almost 8 years now and haven’t done so much as a single line of RPG.

    Then there was the time I applied to a job listing for a Python developer. I showed up and they asked if I had any C# experience. I told them I’d never touched C#, but am a quick study. They said they were migrating away from Python to C#. Said it as if I shouldn’t have applied if I didn’t have C# experience. But I don’t know by what logic they expected me to have been able to intuit that given that the job listing said nothing about C#. Just Python.

    Basically, I’ve never applied to a job that didn’t have glaring inaccuracies in the listing.

  • I kindof hate the slogan “they go low, we go high” (from Hillary’s campaign.)

    But this is an example of the “good” side of that slogan. The political left(-of-what-passes-for-center-in-the-U.S.-now-a-days) isn’t given to publicly calling for assassinations of the opposition party. It’s not even given (and, yes, there are exceptions) to calling privately for assassinations of the opposition. And that’s a good thing.

    It means the left(-of-U.S.-center) hasn’t turned into the fascist-dictatorship-trying-to-happen that the right has. It’s not the left(-of-U.S.-center) calling for civil war and pandering to creeps who chant “blood and soil” while carrying tiki torches around the capital.

    The day left(-of-U.S.-center) news sources delight in assassinations even of opposition as dangerously unhinged and power hungry as Trump because that sentiment started with snide remarks like yours is the day we have to worry that maybe the Democrats are sliding into their own brand of fascism.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m for radical support of LGBT rights, womens’ autonomy in matters of personal health, universal free healthcare, and most other “liberal” causes. (I also identify as well left and libertarian-ward of the Democratic party and would love to see “to each according to need” be our modus operandi. I’m also for direct action.) I don’t fault the Democrats for being “too radical” by a long shot. (More likely, the Democrats will continue to be far too willing to let the Republicans control the narrative and cheat their way to political power. And that’s the bad side of “they go low, we go high”) And I don’t believe it’s very likely that the Democrats will slide into widespread advocacy for political violence like the Republicans have much more so already.

    But taking delight in assassination attempts and wishing they’d been successful – even those directed at Cheeto-flavored Hitler himself – isn’t helpful.

    All that said, I get it. I’m pissed at the U.S.'s descent toward fascism, too. But wishing him assassinated isn’t going to change anything for the better.