• 160 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • I agree Minnesota is the best option, they usually have one of highest travel miles in the leagues each season and it’ll make the division rivalries match other sports more.

    As a Nuggets/Bucks fan it’s really weird they play the Nuggets more than the Bucks given their locations.

    Edit: I do wonder if they’ll go to 4 divisions of 4 in each conference and how that’ll affect the schedule. Can’t really go any other way and have even divisions though unless it’s 8 team divisions.

  • I didn’t ignore what you said. My retort to

    No. If 5% of my voting base sits out over a single issue, I’m going to lose my interest in trying to triangulate their support and move in another direction to identify a more persuadable bloc of voters. That goes more if the abandonment is repetitive, and if the issues constantly change, or if the issue is something I can’t bend on for electoral reasons. If one bloc of voters is easier to please than another, then I’m moving in their direction, even if it’s rightward. Unfortunately it’s winner-take-all, and you’re either in power or you’re not. There are no half-wins.

    Was that if it’s a clear issue like the genocide Israel is carrying out that has a lot of strong opposition to the Democrats current position it really isn’t all that hard to triangulate what the cause is.

    It’s been known it’s THE issue the democrats are losing support for given the coverage of the non committed movement. As for how tough it is to It’s literally not support a genocide that’s how you please that group. It’s literally following our current laws to not supply and fund a country committing a genocide.

    the importance of Gaza

    Literally from your own link “though some questioned whether it would push them not to vote at all.” In a thread where people are complaining about a small amount of people voting third party could lose the election for democrats in swing states I guess it is an important issue if it’s driving even some people in swing states to not vote.

    Also when the non committed movement has more support in some states than the margin of victory in 2020 I would say it’s pretty important.

    the “ease” of withdrawing support

    So genocide is alright as long as they’re an enemy of Iran, that’s your argument? Israel is literally the one escalating the situation in the area, pulling their support or at least threatening to do so until the genocide is stopped would actually deescalate the situation in the region.

    how much Democrats have moved rightward

    I don’t disagree they’ve moved left on most social issues when looking at at that long of a time span that’s in the article you linked. I’m talking this election cycle Kamala has clearly shifted right from the policies she ran on in 2016.

    how many centrist Republicans vote for Democrats.

    In 1 election, that’s the sample size. That’s not a trend and it’s against Trump who is an historically awful candidate for moderates to try and stomach. They’ll be back voting R once he’s gone so it’s not a good long term strategy when you’re alienating what should be your base to the point their considering not voting or voting third party.

    Moreover, you seem to be valuing the strongly-held opinions of voters in non-swing states (what you’re calling “deep blue states” or “areas that effectively don’t matter”) more highly than the maybe-less-strongly held opinions of voters in swing states. If 5% of Democratic voters in California want sushi, and 5% of Democratic voters in Pennsylvania want steak, I’m picking steak and telling the California voters to take a hike. Their opinion doesn’t even register on my radar thanks to the electoral consequences of pissing off the Pennsylvanians who wanted steak.

    You completely misunderstood what my example was trying to get across. I’m not valuing non swing state voters opinions more than swing state voters.

    I understand that the swing state voters are going to have an outsized role in what each party pushes. Tactically I would be saying the voters in swing states especially should be witholding their vote unless the democrats stop supporting Israel’s genocide since it would be more leverage but obviously trump getting elected isn’t a great alternative which is why I didn’t mention that since that’s a risk.

    What I was saying is that given that non swing states you can safely vote third party to show your displeasure in the genocide we’re supporting and possibly shed light that it’s got a large amount of importance to voters.

    Edit: formatting since I’m on mobile and at work.

  • Not funding and supplying a genocide seems to be a pretty clear and easy issue to change especially when 60%+ of democrats are in favor of it. We’re already violating our own laws by continuing to do so.

    The democrats are already moving to the right even with the left continuing to vote for them. They think they can win over some centrists republicans (even though they can’t in a meaningful number) by adopting right wing policies while not losing the left because at the moment they know votes are guaranteed because “republicans worse”.

    Having voters in areas that effectively don’t matter this cycle show there displeasure in the genocide we’re enabling is the least we can do to counter it.

  • It definitely isn’t the only time I care about third parties. Continued direct action in the community is the most important way to affect change. The election is just a useful event for publicity and gaining support for groups.

    There’s 0% chance my comment is going to convince enough people this election cycle that it effects a non swing states election. It’s about slowly building support for groups.

  • But at the same time why vote for a party that won’t win?

    Building support for change has to start somewhere, while they won’t win this election the more support they get the more visibility socialism gets as well as showing that people aren’t willing to vote for genocide. At the very least it shows the amount of people unhappy the democrats aren’t taking a harder stance on Israel.

    As for the PSL specifically, they’re the best option on the ballot in my state. Thank you for the link though I’ll take a deeper look when I have a chance.

  • If enough people are voting third party that it’s a threat then maybe the other parties should take notice and change to support the popular policies and win back support.

    Also we can do more than 1 thing at a time. We should be pushing things like ranked choice voting while also showing our displeasure with the current parties where it makes sense to do so.

    Giving support to third parties gives them and the issues they’re promoting more visibility to the general public.

  • I think they kinda hinted last year they’d tone down the courts a little. I think some worked really well and others were a bit head scratching so hopefully they do tweak them a bit.

    I agree on the LED court! Think it’d be cool to include more effects like you said.

    Can’t remember if it was just an alternative broadcast thing from another game or even just a demo but they showed a green/red effect around the shooter depending on their shooting %s at different spots as they dribble around the court and wished I’d seen that more since.

  • MVP: Luka

    DPOY: Wemby

    MIP: Wemby (feels weird to say given he was ROY and 2nd in DPOY but think he gets it)

    COTY: Dagneault (Thunder Coach) Repeat

    Darkhorse Candidate: Pop - if Spurs make playoffs I could see him getting it if no other candidate stands out. Partially due to legacy

    6MOY: Malik Monk (has anyone won this b2b? kinda basing it off that)

    WCF Winner: Nuggets

    ECF Winner: Celtics

    Champion: Nuggets (Source: Copium)

    I think you’re likely right on them losing KCP though, they need to hit on most of:

    • Braun stepping up a level consistently
    • MPJ to improve more, I give him a bit of a pass on the cold shooting this year given the situations with his brothers
    • Watson developing some offense so he’s more playable
    • Westbrook sticking to his role and not trying to do too much
    • One of the young guys to step up and be solid for some bench minutes

    I could see 1 or 2 of these happening but they need like 3-4 to win along with Murray playing like their winning season since the margin of error is so slim without KCP and how good the Celtics are.