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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • The one that sticks with me is called “the cold equations”, and it’s about a pilot flying a ship through space and discovering he has a young girl stowing away on board. Since he only has enough fuel to get to his destination if the ship weighs a very specific amount, he has to decide whether or not to jettison the girl out the airlock. I remember liking it, but I’ve never forgotten how emotional it was to read.

  • I mean, you said that camera thing like it was some kind of mic drop lol. I’m also not sure what you mean by “my logic”, since I don’t personally have much of an opinion on the law it’s self, I was just curious why someone would be so vehemently against it. I’m not the original commenter that started this chain.

    If it’s a matter of wasted resources, I guess I see your point, but it’s a bit of a reach. I don’t know if it’s as big of a waste as you’re claiming when we have corporations trying to implant customers with brain chips like neuralink, I mean who knows where that technology could go if it ever gets off the ground. Personally I think the Justice system attempting to have a bit of foresight is a good thing.