why not have a single global timezone and people change their local numbers.
e.g. if you life in hawaii you stand up at 11pm and if people in russia work until 8am.
why not have a single global timezone and people change their local numbers.
e.g. if you life in hawaii you stand up at 11pm and if people in russia work until 8am.
so why not copy them?
oh, I totally agree with you.
In fact standards are made to be copied. That’s like the entire point of them.
People behind ISO 216 thought of everyting
how to make a good standard:
step 1: copy from DIN
because of two bodies can not occupy the same space, the feather and the ball will be in different position when you drop them. And therefor gravitation will pull the earth slightly more toward the ball and slightly less toward the feather.
- Careful citation practices will build your credibility as a scientist or scholar.
providing source is good form in every context
there will always be a power imbalance. Maybe the divide will not be financial, but there are plenty of other ways for people to gain power over others. During revolutions the divide will often be about how loyal you are to the cause, i.e. people who appear more loyal to the revolution, will have power over people who are less loyal.
yellow implied some kind of middle ground between 2 values. So the legend could have looked something like this:
🔴 1 - 99
🟡 0
🟢 -1 - -99
offtopic: what is the significance of the reblogger in the screenshot? like, why didn’t they leave the top third of the picture in?
solid blocks of plastic create microplastics when sitting in dirt?
the mode is probably 0.
e.g. there are plenty of people with exactly 0 income. there are few people with exactly another income.