There’s a link in the article to the list of books each school has banned, and some of those titles are just maddening.
There’s a link in the article to the list of books each school has banned, and some of those titles are just maddening.
I mean, they’re not necessarily mutually exclusive…
It was really effective (increase in focus & motivation, large decrease in depressive symptoms) for both my depression and for my ADHD when combined with my normal meds, but I couldn’t help but notice wild hormone fluctuations (that were absolutely as a result of the bupropion and couldn’t be attributed to anything else) that only got worse as my dosage increased. These hormone fluctuations caused a whole span of other issues, everything from emotional instability to cramping and my period going really out of whack. It was very reminiscent of going through puberty, honestly. And all of that went away when I switched to something else instead. Shame, really, as the replacement meds aren’t as effective, but they also don’t make me feel like I’m 13 again either, so ultimately it’s a win
Bupropion fucked with my hormones in really bizarre ways, which was really unfortunate because it was super effective otherwise.
Saved for later. Thanks!
Off topic, just curious why you choose to use the characters you do? You clearly are fluent in English, so it seems unlikely that it’s an “oops” from a different keyboard, which means it’s a choice you made. Do you not find that using those characters makes it difficult to read?
Yeah, but banning abortion isn’t actually about preventing abortion though, any more than it’s about “saving babies”
Not going to wax poetic at you about drug use. Just going to say that the podcast Science Vs. did two great podcasts on this subject that are absolutely worth the listen. One was on mushrooms and one was on MDMA. They go into the science behind what these drugs are actually doing to the brain. Go have a listen, and maybe it will help you to better understand this article.
Hahaha my niece is younger than that and speaks like a sailor, there are more important things in life than to patrol colorful language of children used within the context of trolling scammers
Good for them! Hope they get what they’re asking for
You lent them out?
He’ll eat your pets _and fuck your couch! Nothing is safe!!
Haha love it!
Great post, but I did get thrown for a loop with the word placeboing, which of course I read as place-boing… is the best! Are the best?
Am the best!!
I’ve got this sticker on my laptop at work! And whenever the idiots the “engineers” my coworkers have a death wish don’t know how to read ask me to do something stupid I like to point to it and wait for them to see it
Watch out for sodium levels with this, deli anything usually has elevated levels of sodium which can be devastating in cats
Found an article talking about this that’s not locked behind a paywall