data1701d (He/Him)

“Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?”

- Lt. Cmdr Data, Star Trek: Generations

  • 51 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • So you felt nothing when they were briefly on DS9 and stopped by Quark’s before getting lost in the Delta Quadrant? You bring dishonor to your house! (In fact, Tom gets in a barfight with Quark (not shown on screen, unfortunately) in that one timeline where Harry was never assigned to Voyager.)

    Just kidding about the “dishonor to your house part”. Honestly, I like some of the fun 90s Trek had with crossovers, especially how VOY sort of rehabilitated Barclay. Honorable mention to that thing where Bashir helped Data have dreams. I guess O’Brien and the eventual Worf being mains on DS9 count as well; I think despite his flaws getting really annoying, Worf gave us an excuse for the fun Klingon political plot lines.

    As an actual question, though, do any of the following apply to you?:

    1. Didn’t also watch DS9 as a kid.
    2. Were watching Voyager out of order, only catching random episodes, etc.
    3. All of the above

  • I think this answer is mostly right in the case of Seven and VOY.

    However, on a more general societal note, this can be problematic, as two people may have different definitions of insane (for instance, challenging certain societal beliefs that aren’t necessarily actually related to sanity may falsely be construed as insanity), and as a result, a rational person is stripped of their agency. I think several conditions need to be established for what defines someone as insane. I think if at least one of these is true, it can be called insanity:

    • An inclination for self-harm
    • An inclination to harm others

  • I in general just kind of found the entire Seven-Chakotay romance really weird.

    In my opinion, Seven wasn’t necessarily emotionally mature enough for a romantic relationship. I don’t mean to call Seven a child, but because she’d been part of the Borg since she was a kid, it meant Seven never learned some important social abilities. It’s not necessarily my place to judge, but I feel like Seven was nudged towards romantic relationships at a point in her life when she wasn’t necessarily ready.

    Of course, this is really complicated, bordering on a c/DaystromInstitute question. You know, rather than boring you with the details, I’ll actually just go create that post real quick, assuming a suitable one doesn’t exist.

    Also, I’m a just a bit bitter the whole Chakotay-Janeway thing never worked out. I get there was professionalism stuff, but dating your astrometrics officer is probably weirder. I usually don’t particularly root for couples in shows, but there was legitimate chemistry between Janeway and Chakotay, especially in VOY:Resolutions.