Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • “Not bad, I had fun.”

    If it’s someone who didn’t go, “Hey, sorry you missed it. Maybe next time? It was a blast.”

    Try to stay positive. It’s too easy to give in the negativity. Negativity is like a basket of crabs; you try to pull yourself up, but it will grab you and drag you back down. If you’re okay with that kind of life, stop here and keep on keeping on. If you want to be happier, ignore being alone and sad and do something about it (fake it until you make it).

    When you feel sad, feel sad. But don’t “be” sad. You’re not a sad person; you simply have sad feelings. And it’s okay to feel things. Allow yourself to process those feelings.

  • As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that quality trumps quantity. Don’t look at it as right or wrong; good or bad. Think about it as what met your expectations, and what didn’t. Take what didn’t meet your expectations, and learn from it. Don’t burn your bridges with those who couldn’t make it; they may have forgotten, or something came up. They deserve the benefit of the doubt. Finally, focus on the positives: you had five people show up for you! That’s awesome!