• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s how it has been in the US. Now, though, if you already have a passport, you can renew online and take the picture yourself, and get it mailed directly to you.

    The thing that makes getting a passport slightly tricky to begin with in some circumstances is needing proper ID. In the US, there’s no generalized law saying that you have to have certain forms of ID. Most people use drivers licenses as ID, but obviously not everyone has one (by choice or as a consequence of drunk driving). There are a lot of people without ID, and there are ways to get ID, but they can be difficult for people without resources. A birth certificate is hard to get if you don’t have one already, especially if you don’t know where you were born.

  • You’ve gotten a lot of great responses already. Basically, the weak point in a shoe is the foam, and you start to feel the foam go before you see it. That’s one reason it’s nice to have a few pairs of shoes to rotate through. You can run in one pair, and the next time you do a similar length/time in the other pair, and you’ll be able to start to feel when your ankles/knees/back or whatever get sore for no reason.

    In terms of the distance you get, it really depends on speed, your weight, your technique (heavy heel strikers probably wear through shoes quicker), and the surface you run on. Possibly the biggest factor is the amount of midsole foam, though. The foam stilts that are popular these days may only last you 400 km, while a more typical shoe gets 800 km.

    Like another commenter said, “barefoot” shoes can last a very long time. You probably don’t want to go all-in on those unless you want to do some more homework on them, but it’s something to consider if you are budget constrained.

    What I do now is just stick to a brand that I know works for me. Shoes are built on “lasts” which are basically a foot-like form. Traditionally, they’d be a wooden thing that a cobbler would wrap leather, etc, around. Now, it’s basically just the 3D foot model. If you get 2 shoes built on the same last, they are going to fit your foot similarly, so it’s not so bad to buy online. They make new model numbers every year or so, and when a new model is in, the old model goes on sale. When they got 50% off, I’ll buy a couple pairs. Obviously that only works if you have the money/space to do it, but it is helpful.

  • I don’t understand why people like Facebook marketplace. It’s so transparently a way for them to just gather more shopping habits data on you, and it’s too easy for scammers to use. They act like having an account somehow makes it harder to scam.

    I would much rather support the website run by a skeleton crew that has no unnecessary features than get a few bucks more on FB marketplace. If I’m selling something that I’ve used, it’s cause I want to get rid of it, anyway.

  • A huge problem with the wine industry in America is that they’ve always tried to position themselves as a premium product with respect to other forms of alcohol. With respect to the information available to the consumer, the pricing seems to be random. Products that are aged understandably are going to cost more, and huge brands should be cheaper than small brands. Other than that, prices just seem to be set to correspond to whatever market segment they are targeting. A $20 bottle of wine may taste way better than a $15 bottle, but it could also be worse. There’s no indication of what could make the $20 bottle better than the $15 bottle other than the fact that it’s more expensive. Some brands put a little bit more info in, like the percentage of grapes, and sometimes they tell you where the grapes came from, but most consumers are just going to grab the cheaper bottle.

    Contrast this with beer, where you know higher abv=more ingredients=more expensive, aged beers are more expensive, and beers from smaller or foreign breweries are more expensive. Breweries often tell you the exact ingredients that went in, so you can get a decent idea of what a beer will taste like before ordering, and you can make an informed decision to buy slightly more expensive products.

    Wine is a little more tricky because there are fewer ingredients, and less processing, but they could absolutely give way more info. The wines that are good just try to market it as the magic of terroir in a bottle, rather than actually pointing out how and why they are better or taste different.

  • I’m sure I read it somewhere, but I just checked one of my books, and it doesn’t say that, and reading online, I can’t find anything with evidence either way. Seems like the main risk is of you don’t clean them very well and get a lot of plant matter encased in it. Doesn’t take much yew to make you sick.

    Either way, though, thanks for calling me out! I don’t live near any yews, so it’s not something I’ve ever had to think about.