My 7yo son definitely would have no idea about physical formats if he didn’t see my N64 cartridges sitting alongside the Switch lol. I had to explain to him that we had to buy or rent movies and games if we wanted them. Blew his mind.
My 7yo son definitely would have no idea about physical formats if he didn’t see my N64 cartridges sitting alongside the Switch lol. I had to explain to him that we had to buy or rent movies and games if we wanted them. Blew his mind.
Honestly, it’s just another shell. Both Bash and ZSH happen to be mostly POSIX compliant, so stuff that works for Bash tends to work with ZSH too. For me it’s mostly just about the stuff I can add to it - I use the antidote plugin manager to get additional autocomplete, syntax highlighting, suggestions, async prompt updates, that kind of thing.
Yeah, it’s a good shell. I’ve found the lack of compatibility with some bash tools to be inconvenient enough that I just went back to zsh and found alternatives for the parts that I liked about it. Works well enough for me.
I feel you. It’s however gotten a lot better since I turned some of these commands into abbreviations. They’re aliases that expands in place, more or less. Fish has them natively, I personally use zsh-abbr.
Hah, for me, this broke down in the middle of my degree lol
Dude has been stuck in a high school drama queen phase since forever. Stir shit up, act like people were wrong for reacting negatively to said shit, rinse and repeat. His anti-woke BS is just the cherry on top, I’m not surprised he went this way at all.
Nothing screams “small government” like provincial overreach into municipal politics, amirite
It’s more about it being a Marxist Leninist instance lol
I have to admit - coming from a user, this made me chuckle.
I try not to judge, but I’m also utterly confused as to why the parents wouldn’t immediately have brought the child in for the shot after finding the bat, visible bite or not…
Some people do overestimate how much of the software they’re actually using, and how far back some features go. I learned the little PS I know using a 7.0 license my father bought, I used it for years doing 2D graphics and web “design”, and still basically still have the same workflow with minor differences to avoid destructive changes.
Similarly to the “just move” when people talk about home prices, this argument holds up as long as there are alternatives.
I live in the middle of corn fields and hour out of the largest city in the province. I work from home on most days, and take the train to the office downtown a couple of days a month. I’m a tech lead in insurance, somewhat in between management and programming.
In the summer, on weekends, there’s a good chance I’ll have woken up early for a golf round, then spent some time with the wife and kids doing whatever.
Hmm, depends if we’re talking a summer or winter day haha. There’s like a 50°C+ differential, so it tends to heavily dictate what we’re doing outside work/home/errands haha.
Really leaning into that “coder wants to become carpenter” stereotype I see ;) It was one of the things I wanted to do growing up, and is still a skill I’d love to develop. I just didn’t have room to do that kind of work until recently hehe…
To be honest, these days I’m wary of turning fun things or hobbies into work. I’m pretty sure that if I ended up building furniture for other people like I have to write code, I’d start hating it too. Coding tends to pay much better anyway haha…
I am! From Quebec.
I guess we should have added the word “notable”
I’m terribly sorry, you left the door wide open ;)
I’m curious, what makes AppImage a good choice for the lazy developer? Is it easier to create?
I mean, I haven’t watched the video. Guy however appeared in the Pandora papers. The Canadian government has sanctioned him for “gross and systematic human rights violations in Haiti and engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Haiti”. A quick search of his company (GB Group) seems to point to quasi-monopolistic practices on many Haitian markets. His father was sanctioned by the US as well in 91 around Aristide’s coup d’état. He is today Haiti’s one and only billionaire. He is also indeed a Zionist, even is honorary consul for Israel. What’s antisemitic about pointing any of that out?