London-based writer. Often climbing.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • You are right that they can’t compete directly with online shopping, but that’s not why people go there. Studies have consistently shown that closing shopping areas to through-traffic is good for businesses, precisely because it makes them easier, not harder, to access. Shops don’t benefit in any way from hundreds of cars (or, in this case, buses and taxis) driving past them!

    EDIT: Thought I should link to a specific study rather than just vaguely waving at them. There are many to choose from but this one is particularly interesting because it’s from the US, where they generally don’t have good cycling and public transport infrastructure, but it still shows benefits for businesses:

    While we observed some mixed results, we generally found that street improvements have either positive impacts on corridor economic and business performance or non-significant impacts.

    It’s important to note that nothing always works everywhere (‘some mixed results’, here), but the balance of evidence is in favour of at least trialling traffic reduction schemes in commercial districts.

  • So, you’re saying there was a slight miscarriage of justice which, on appeal, was rectified? I’m sorry there was a problem but, by your own account, it was fixed.

    The UK cannot be both Marxist and living under Sharia law; they’re diamatrically opposed. In fact, no where is Sharia law legally imposed, whatever you may have heard.

    It is not true that you can’t be ‘proud’ of being ‘English’. There is a St. George’s Day parade in many towns and cities, including London, where it is led by Sadiq Khan, the mayor, who is both proudly Muslim and proudly English. Like most people, he sees no contradiction.

    It is not true that talking about Anglo-Saxon culture is considered white supremacy. Schools and universities talk a great deal about figures from Shakespeare to Alan Turing to Millicent Fawcett (I’m picking three examples at random) all of whom were Anglo-Saxon. No one feels the need to point this out, because it would be fucking weird, but like all cultures everywhere, we mostly talk about people from our own culture. The idea this is banned or frowned upon is imaginary.

  • Little bit shocked that Bernie Sanders was responsible for two of the misleading claims. Fully half of the, uh, four headings in the article: a ‘day of lies’, producing four (4) lies? Guess they weren’t working too fast.

    The Project 2025 stuff IMO is fair game till Trump explains what he’d do differently. As far as I can see, it’s at least consistent with his plans. If he wants Dems to shut up about it, he should say which parts and which authors he rejects. He can’t just vaguely say, ‘That document that says I should be a dictator? Nothing to do with my plans to be a dictator’ and expect people to go: okay, cool.