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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • I don’t know that a newer drive cloner will necessarily be faster. Personally, if I’d successfully used the one I already have and wasn’t concerned about it having been damaged (mainly due to heat or moisture) then I would use it instead. If it might be damaged or had given me issues, I’d get a new one.

    After replacing all of the drives there is something you’ll need to do to tell it to use their full capacity. From reading an answer to this post, it looks like what you’ll need to do is to select “Change RAID Mode,” then keep RAID 1 selected, keep the same disks, and then on the next screen move the slider to use the drives’ full capacities.

  • upper capacity

    There may be an upper limit, but on Amazon there is a 72 TB version that would have to come with at least 18 TB drives. If 18 TB is fine, 20 TB is also probably fine, but I couldn’t find any reports by people saying they’d loaded 20 TB drives into theirs without issue.


    You could also clone them yourself, but you’d want to put the NAS into read only mode or take it offline first.

    I think cloning drives is generally faster than rebuilding them in RAID, as well as easier on the drives, but my personal experience with RAID is very limited.

    Basically, what I’d do is:

    1. Take the NAS offline or make it read-only.
    2. Pull drive 0 from the array
    3. Clone it
    4. Replace drive 0 with your clone
    5. Pull drive 2 (from the other mirrored pair) from the array
    6. Clone it
    7. Replace drive 2 with your clone
    8. Clone drive 0 again, then replace drive 1 with your clone
    9. Clone drive 2 again, then replace drive 3 with your clone
    10. Put the NAS back online or make it read-write again.

    In terms of timing… I have a Sabrent offline cloning hub (about $50 on Amazon), and it copies data at 60 Mbps, meaning it’d take about 9 hours per clone. Startech makes a similar device ($96 on Amazon, that allegedly clones data at 466 Mbps (28 GB per minute), meaning each clone would take 2.5 hours… but people report it being just as slow as the Sabrent.

    Also, if you bought two offline cloning devices, you could do steps 1-3 and 4-6 simultaneously, and do the same again with steps 7-8.

    I’m not sure how long it would take RAID to rebuild a pulled drive, but my understanding is that it’s going to be fastest with RAID 1. And if you don’t want to make the NAS read-only while you clone the drives, it’s probably your only option, anyway.

  • You can use AI for free on your own hardware.

    AI is committing mass theft of copyrighted information and data on a widespread scale, the only way they are going to be able to train their AI models and have been training their AI models are through free information that has been taken from users, people of the world, sold to them by third parties.

    By “mass theft of copyrighted information,” what do you mean? Who had the copyrighted information but no longer has it? Do you mean copyright infringement? If so, then you should look up “fair use” and keep reading until you understand why they think it’s applicable to their use case.

    And by “data that has been taken from users,” do you mean by users who agreed to terms of service allowing the use or sale of their information/contributions to the site, generally so they could use a site for free?

    Do you think that receiving a service has zero value, or that providing that service has zero value? If so, then why did all of those people use those zero value services in exchange for their information?

  • If you are not a copyright holder, then you are not in a position to make any demands. I find it especially ironic, considering when the GPL was actually violated on multiple occasions, even as recently as a few months ago, nobody ever takes issue with that.

    Ironic that he says he understands licensing but doesn’t understand that, if you’re not a copyright holder, you don’t have standing to do anything about those violations. The Violations of GNU Licenses page states that if you see a violation, you should confirm the violation, collect as many details as you can, and then:

    Once you have collected the details, you should send a precise report to the copyright holders of the packages that are being wrongly distributed. The GNU licenses are copyright licenses; free licenses in general are based on copyright. In most countries only the copyright holders are legally empowered to act against violations.

    I remember reading about someone attempting to challenge that by suing for the rights that should have been conveyed to them by the infringer respecting copyright, but I wasn’t able to find anything on it. I did find references to people who were partial copyright holders being found to not have standing due to not having sufficient ownership to make a claim, though - see the outcome of https://sfconservancy.org/copyleft-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html

  • What exactly are you trusting a cert provider with and what are the security implications?

    End users trust the cert provider. The cert provider has a process that they use to determine if they can trust you.

    What attack vectors do you open yourself up to when trusting a certificate authority with your websites’ certificates?

    You’re not really trusting them with your certificates. You don’t give them your private key or anything like that, and the certs are visible to anyone navigating to your website.

    Your new vulnerabilities are basically limited to what you do for them - any changes you make to your domain’s DNS config, or anything you host, etc. - and depend on that introducing a vulnerability of its own. You also open a new phishing attack vector, where someone might contact you, posing as the certificate authority, and ask you to make a change that would introduce a vulnerability.

    In what way could it benefit security and/or privacy to utilize a paid service?

    For most use cases, as far as I know, it doesn’t.

    LetsEncrypt doesn’t offer EV or OV certificates, which you may need for your use case. However, these are mostly relevant at the enterprise level. Maybe you have a storefront and want an EV cert?

    LetsEncrypt also only offers community support, and if you set something up wrong you could be less secure.

    Other CAs may offer services that enhance privacy and security, as well, like scanning your site to confirm your config is sound… but the core offering isn’t really going to be different (aside from LE having intentionally short renewal periods), and theoretically you could get those same services from a different vendor.

  • Sure, but if everyone does it then it wouldn’t work (no one would be drawing excess when the solar is at peak)

    If everyone did it then electric companies could prioritize investing in batteries and capacitors and further reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.

    If everyone did it, then even without extra storage capacity, net metering would still work. You don’t get credits for generating energy, just for sending it to the grid. All they have to do is the same thing they already do - curtailment.

    Finally, it’s impossible for everyone to be on net metering because NEM 3.0 doesn’t have net metering and NEM 1.0 and 2.0 are only available if you’re grandfathered in.

    If oversupply were really a concern, then you’d think the prices during oversupply would reflect that, dropping to basically nothing. They don’t. If they did, then EVs could be charged for super cheap when solar power was flooding the grid.

    that sounds a lot like what they are talking about

    What they’re talking about is revoking the law that grandfathered people into NEM 1.0 and 2.0 contracts. Keep in mind, the people who purchased solar under NEM 1.0 and 2.0 did so under the presumption that they would be able to stay on it for at least 20 years (because that was codified in law).000

    only getting paid some large percentage of the price for energy sent to the grid

    NEM 3.0 reduces the way credits are calculated to, on average, 25% of what they were before, and that are not the same as the retail rate.

    https://aurorasolar.com/blog/explaining-and-modeling-californias-net-billing-tariff-nem-3-0/ has some examples. At the same time that electricity from the grid costs $0.44/kWh, solar sent to the grid only returns a $0.05/kWh credit.

    5 cents is not a large percentage of 44 cents.

    If your neighbor has solar and you charge your EV in the middle of a sunny day when your neighbor is at work, you’re probably using your neighbor’s electricity to do so. That’s gonna cost you $15 and net your neighbor a $1.71 credit.

    Under NEM 1.0 and 2.0, if you import from and export to the grid in the same hour, those amounts are netted, even before NBCs come into effect. But under NEM 3.0, you could get billed for importing in the same hour even if you exported far more than you used. If you imported 1 kWh from the grid, you’d need to export 9 kWh to break even.

    Again, this doesn’t make sense. Someone is paying $0.44/kWh for the energy you exported, but you’re only getting $0.05 credit for it.

    If your solar system has storage, you can strategically export energy to the grid when the compensation is higher. That’s something you can consider when installing your solar system… but that’s not true for the people who are grandfathered into NEM 1.0 and 2.0, who knew they were grandfathered in by law.

    And from what I’ve heard, even that doesn’t actually help that much, because the credits don’t apply to the largest part of the bill - they apply to “generation,” not to “delivery.” I haven’t found a reliable source confirming that, but if true it just adds insult to injury - if you pay the added cost to install an intelligent storage system and configure it to return money to the grid when their costs are highest, you get a credit equal to the cost you helped them avoid, but then the credit’s actually only usable on a small portion of your bill. If the calculations are based on avoided cost, you should get those credits even if it means the electric company is paying you.

  • It doesn’t really seem like net metering is sustainable.

    Not sure why you think that.

    Say for example someone generates the same amount of electricity they use, in that case they pay $0 for electricity even though the grid has to take the burden of storing the electricity until they use it later in the day.

    The grid isn’t storing their energy - it’s sending it to other customers, meaning that non-sustainable, polluting energy sources don’t have to be generated.

    The only time that’s not true is when the net load on the grid dips below zero. According to the duck curve graph from the article, it does appear to be very briefly dipping for a very brief time period each day. At that point it could make sense to store the rest, but if the grid doesn’t have storage capacity then any excess is “wasted,” but at that point the grid engages in a process known as “curtailment,” which means it rejects the excess, meaning that nobody gets credit later for energy that isn’t used now.

    Also, curtailment is often not because the grid itself is over-supplied, but because specific regions are over-supplied and the grid lacks transmission lines from them to regions where demand is higher.

    in that case they pay $0 for electricity

    True under NEM 1.0, but NEM 2.0 also includes “non-bypassable charges” - components of pulling from the grid that cannot be offset by what they contribute. Those charges are roughly 5% as far as I can tell, meaning that if they pulled $300 worth of energy from the grid and sent back $300 worth (or more), they’d still owe $15.

  • Cool, didn’t know that about Ecosia.

    Qwant: looks like maybe they used to have a browser that might have been forked from Firefox, but it hasn’t been updated in a while - per the App Store listings, I think they now just have a lightweight search engine frontend.

    Brave on iOS appears to have been forked from Firefox on iOS back in 2018-2019, which was news to me. (“Appears to” regards the date; it was definitely forked from Firefox).

    the rest of the browser is derived from Firefox

    This might be true for some, like Ecosia, but I’m guessing that Brave isn’t pulling changes from Firefox. It seems like they basically used the Firefox codebase as a starting point - and in 5 years of development, a lot can change.

    I wasn’t saying that this is generally true for IOS browsers, just that a pretty large part of FOSS ones are

    Gotcha, that makes more sense.

    One more thing to point out is that your comment reads like they were based on Firefox and that Firefox didn’t use Webkit (but of course Firefox on iOS also uses Webkit).

    more like Floorp

    Meaning that they’re forks of Chromium on desktop in the same way Floorp is a fork of Firefox on desktop?