Can’t catch a break

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • I’ve found that folks with beliefs that aren’t respectable, like believing that minorities don’t deserve rights, tend to need to be reminded to respect other people’s beliefs. Many times those beliefs hurt no one, like belief in astrology.

    So they just weaponize and twist the lessons they were given to silence others so they can continue harming others.

  • It seems people like seeing a villain somewhere. Good vs bad is convenient. Shades and nuance aren’t easy. (I get it. I stopped talking about my struggles caring for my disabled partner. I’m not a bad person for being tired and wanting a little support. She’s not a bad person for having needs she cannot fulfill without extra help. No one is wrong, situation just sucks.)

    I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for you, but you are seen. It is indeed exhausting to have to justify all the time especially when you need support.