Tell me again when it’s done and released…
Tell me again when it’s done and released…
Die Richter können dem Bundestag nicht vorschreiben was sie tun müssen, und der Bundestag kann dem BVerfG nicht sagen wie es urteilen soll. Sonst wäre die Gewaltenteilung verletzt.
Gesetzlich sind die Bundestagsabgeordneten “nur ihrem Gewissen verpflichtet” was sie tun oder nicht tun, machen sie mit Mandat vom Volk. Punkt. Pech gehabt. Gleiches übrigends auch für dumme Entscheidungen der Regierung.
Bzw. theoretisch könnte man was in die Verfassung/Gesetz einbauen, das die Gerichte etwas sagen können von wegen “muss in xyz Tagen passieren sonst Festnahme etc…” Das wäre aber innenpolitisch gefährlich, weil sich dann die Polizei entweder auf die Seite der Gerichte stellen muss und es umsetzt, oder es nicht umsetzt und sich damit dem Gericht widersetzt. Also, das provoziert einen innenpolitischen Konflikt den wir vermeiden wollen. In solchen chaotischen Zeiten gibts dann nämlich gerne einen charismatischen, starken, einzelnen, der… aber die Geschichte kenn wir ja schon. Und deswegen machen wir es nicht so.
Ein großer Tag für Aalemania.
Klingt schon cooll, aber ich wette die klammern sich alle an den überteuerten Preisen fest die sie selbst bezahlt haben, deswegen fallen die nicht auf das Niveau was es bräuchte um das attraktiv zu machen.
Außerdem kann man nicht wissen wie die Qualität der Gebäude ist…
I have a meme answer to this.
Es wäre also ok, wenn ein besagter Staat nur unsere Demokratie untergräbt, aber gerade keinen hybriden Krieg mit uns führt?
Weil ich würde sagen das es auch dann nicht ok ist.
Wir können uns gerne auf ein
Als Politiker finanzielle Zuwendung annehmen ist immer falsch
bekämpfe mich in echtes leben:
Entweder ist die Handlung Zuwendungen anderer Staaten in Form von Lehrpositionen, Vorträgen, etc. anzunehmen immer falsch, oder sie ist auch hier nicht falsch.
Yeah same. The ctrl shift alt mouse wheel hot keys are a dream, no idea how other people manage without them.
I did this things like 3-5x
In version 2.49!!! booya!
And watched a ton of youtube stuff.
Mostly fun actually, because I didn’t really “need” to know anything, I just browsed around tried stuff.
The trick is the balance, between meat, seasoning, vegetables and to a small degree, sauce and seasoning. E.g. putting too much meat on it and less than 3 out of 4: salad, onion, tomato, pickle, would be too little. Ingredient quality matters a lot. Cheese is a nice bonus. Variations according to taste are “obvious”, hot or mild sauce, different veggies…
It shouldn’t be uncomfortable to eat, but I’m also disappointed if it’s too small. Imo, you should need both hands.
I think the timing isn’t quite right, because the other social media places aren’t figuratively totally on fire.
There isn’t “the great social media collapse of 20XX” happening, because of some security issue or servers being super expensive or ads being actually 99% of the content. The forces that be are managing things well enough that things aren’t collapsing right now.
There is no single actually big celebrity that has picked a fediverse platform as the place to be, follow and discuss news.
And there is no killer feature that you can only get here.
The bonfire is stacked nicely, but there is no spark. For now. That could change at any moment, but it could also take a while.
I don’t think the timing is quite right.
I don’t really have anything meaningful to contribute to the feeds and most of the discussions are a bit pointless. They’re not really changing anything. So, in part those other platforms are fueled by outrage culture. Which I know is bad, so not having it is good, but then we also don’t have the growth from it.
The technology is there and that should help. Apparently people aren’t going to mass migrate from reddit quite yet, even though the push last year probably helped a lot.
It is a network problem. I think the slow growth will / should happen eventually, because the fediverse is an objectively good place to start a community. It’s just not going to be fast and other platforms adding push factors would help obviously. We’ll see where reddit goes with their paid subs.
I don’t think the low effort posts are a problem, there is hardly motivation to interact with an empty page and there is slightly more if there are “boring topics”. At least it’s a place.
You’re a hero for making this happen in… 24 hours? 48?
The issue won’t go away, we’ll see how well everyone else deals with it, but this is a super strong argument for your system / server.
(Advertise it. Advertise it HARD. “piefed, we have private votes”.)
I would like a (c) where my instances collects all the votes on the post, and then transmits an anonymized aggregate.
How is it vague?
It’s vague in all the legal ways:
First of all which kinds of games it applies to. It obviously can’t work for games that have a technical server requirement, … world of warcraft, but actually EVE online. The guys who run that game, get experimental hardware that’s usually military only (or at least they did in the past). The server is not something, you could run even if you wanted to. Drawing the legal boundary between what “could be” single player offline (e.g. the crew, far cry, hitman), wasn’t done.
It’s not clear how it should apply to in terms of company scale. The new messenger legislation that was passed, made space for the EU parliament / system to declare and name, individually, who counts as a company that is is big enough, so that they have to open their messenger system to others for interoperability. It’s not clear if the law has to apply to everyone, and every game, or just e.g. companies above 20 million revenue or something.
It’s not clear what happens if a company goes bankrupt, and the system isn’t immediately ready to keep working.
And a few more.
That being said, I think Thor’s stance on this is silly. All of that is part of the discussion that is now starting. He could raise good points and get them included, but I guess that’s not happening.
Glockness Monster *teleports behind you*
“nothing personal, kid”
It is broken in the sense that it’s absolutely insane that they can take 30% and nobody can build a competing product that only takes 20%.
It is not broken in the sense that they keep doing what they are doing and developers and customers consistently choose their offer.
It’s not a monopoly because they exploit their position.
It’s a monopoly because nobody else is trying hard enough.
Irgendwas mit Globalisierung.