Ahh watergate
Ahh watergate
Considering that most mammals can carry rabbies ending the disease is impossible.
Not asking for a TikTok exemption
Yes i know how bad rabbies is. I was pointing out you can put the animals in isolation and see if they show signs on rabbies
You can put the animals in isolation
They put the animals in isolation and re turn them when they are cleared. I know they can that’s what happened to my neighbor’s dog after it bit someone.
Maybe they are trying to expaind theor Japanese market
For me 0 F would be civilization ending cold that i have been only seen once.
No it should be zeroa and all elections publicly funded
So feediverse tictok?
Back in the very early 2000s my dad went back to college. There he learne c++ but he also leatned that a great programer makes the program work ans keeps it small. Even bavk his teacher was complianing about newer programs taking up more and more ram.
Really that long to normally wind it down. The town where grew up had a mobile mri back in 90s. It would show for about a week each month. Would they turn it off over the last day to move it?
Well son of a gun
Gid bless you sir 🫡
They fucking tested this on myth busters. Don’t store bullets near fire
Wouldn’t a neurodevelopmental disorders be a sub type of mental health condition?
You dont have to be an expert, i barely know anything about the kinux cli but i still use linux daily
Yes, not using ai is the guardrail
Ahh the birth of coilette, bend her.
All men want skanks