This should be everyone’s practice, every single time. Good on you for making the commitment to doing this. This is what I do as well, I’m a bit OCD about it.
I’m also a bit OCD about turning off my motorcycle blinker as well, lol.
This should be everyone’s practice, every single time. Good on you for making the commitment to doing this. This is what I do as well, I’m a bit OCD about it.
I’m also a bit OCD about turning off my motorcycle blinker as well, lol.
At least they will be feeling the real consequences, regardless of their blindness to the cause, which was their own actions.
They’re going to spend the next four years breaking things and stuffing money into any place that will hold it. They don’t know how to build jack shit.
That’s why the Dept of Education is getting dismantled in the next four years and returning it “back to the states” so that they can privatize things and profit from it.
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta billionaire
Nothing shady about that
Of course he can’t guarantee tariffs won’t raise prices, because that’s what they do. The companies impacted by those tariffs will not eat that hit - they will pass it on to all of us. It’s essentially a tax he’s arbitrarily adding.
So everyone enjoy the massive taxes he has decided to pass on to you, while giving his billionaire friends massive tax breaks. They aren’t going to care, they can absorb it. Can you? Can your family?
What a bunch of fucknuts some of us are for putting this corrupt conman back in the white house.
Hope you will be happy with his stance on Gaza, it will be worse than the current administration, guaranteed.
Hope you will be happy with the price of goods and “inflation”, you’re about to have a nasty wake up call.
Hope you enjoy the climate, he’s going to undo as much protections as he can, assisting in our push over the brink.
He’s going to destroy so much. Hope you all are ready. Next time don’t be apathetic and uneducated. Be informed and do your duty of voting. Vote country over party. Don’t just listen to what news media wants you to hear. For fucks sake educate yourself like your life depends on it because it does.
Yeah establishment media all around is fairly biased, some places much more than others. It’s my opinion at least that it takes a good amount of research and education to cut through the thinly veiled news that many places put out.
Also, there’s a big push to remove some of the more honest news outlets by big media.
She has had a ton of legitimate reports that she heavily consumes Russian propaganda networks. Also, her 180 from being a Democrat to being a Russia supporter and parroter of their talking points almost overnight is what soured me on her, and is hella suspicious. To each their own but I absolutely don’t support her being in charge of our national intelligence given even the slightest chance she’s on vlad’s payroll.
In any case, I’m not hating on you specifically at all and we can disagree peacefully. Let’s both keep on educating ourselves because knowledge is power!
Don’t act like you know what I think, I never said anything like that - FFS I just said some people angry some people happy. That’s not centrist, I was making a simple statement. Go fuck yourself! I don’t give a shit that this guy got capped. I wouldn’t give a shit if trump got killed either. One less POS on the earth making my kids futures fucked up.
I don’t disagree, but still there are people happy and unhappy. I was making a simple comparison that in all cases people are glad and people raging. In every statement I’ve made it has been factually correct, it just seems people are trying to make it more complex of a statement than it is.
I never said it wouldn’t be ugly, of course it would. I’m saying that there would be people reveling in it and people raging about it, which is a fact. An unfortunate one.
There’s people raging about the CEO murder too, it’s just different populations of people.
You would see the exact same if a president was assassinated, regardless of the side you choose. Super happy people, super angry people.
You don’t seem to be educated at all on this topic, no offense
He has my thoughts and prayers
Do you think EVERY farmer in California is a Republican and/or Trump supporter?
The ignorant ones probably are
He doesn’t give a shit - all he’s going to do with those agencies is to gut/destroy/exploit them for personal gain. He doesn’t need any playbook, he’s been destroying things his whole life.
Subnautica 2 is going to be UE5 also, I’m already worried about it.
Trump’s faux leather wallet
Cause they’ll buy the dip and profit extremely from it
Just croak already