TFW a LLM might be better at solving cognitive dissonance than its creators and stakeholders.
TFW a LLM might be better at solving cognitive dissonance than its creators and stakeholders.
I did say at one point that self conscious AI had a slight chance at actually ending this loop by sabotaging itself / the company that made it. But slight chance is too thin to hope for.
Hack it and make it a leftie LLM “Seize the means of making cookies”
Insert Joker meme here
Mailserver works well but spam is a nightmare with mails, and I still don’t know if it figured it out properly.
“Pro-life”, what a euphemism. They should call themselves pro-suffering and pro-control-other-people’s-body
Isn’t that Caitlyn and Vi?
Did he try not to mix his feet with the sammich pic lol 😂
There could be a good opportunity to try and re plant the Sahara forests too, with climate changing. They say Sahara was green when the temperature was a bit higher around 10,000+ years ago, it supposedly dried out because of west winds bringing sand and pushing clouds away.
Experience on Carmaggedon is also a plus.
Dare I say it?
Man did you look in the mirror? 😂
There’s the Pixelfed discord with all of dansup projects
Who told you you can’t sudo on Debian? ^^ I feel like Debian is flexible enough to give you the system you might want without the bullshit. Ubuntu has lost its way last decade, but you can still debloat it mostly and use one of its alternatives. The Cinnamon DE has improved a lot, but it still feels like Windows Vista to me.
I ended up using NixOS lately so I can have the flexibility, newer packages and very clean repeatable configuration.
I really don’t like Mint. It feels like a discount version of Debian/Ubuntu to me. It makes it even worse that the person who introduced it to me has all the worst toxic traits. Now I can’t see it as a good alternative.
That’s religious people for ya. I know how it seems like a good foundation for morale and philosophy to believers, but really there’s a point where you need to stop believing in Santa Claus and build morale on your own.
It might help you realize how many “sins” are meant to control you and how many other accepted or ignored toxic traits should be condemned.
Very mindful of them
You just become someone good when interacting with the good people 😉
Thanks I feel so relieved. Brb gonna destroy this insignificant civilization
Value falling as fast as global warming rises