How is AirBnB able to access your criminal history?
They could easily prevent devs that abandoned an early access title from launching another one. They could check if the devs have a reasonable business plan and are able to fulfill their promises. They could vet them and check if they did manage to release some games. And so on. It is not impossible and would help us gamers, because nobody wants abandoned games.
THB, they could use a few more employees and it shows. Community moderation is awful and there are many nazi groups. The whole trading ecosystem is ripe with frauds and many games released are cheap shovelware, asset flips or broken. And don’t get me started on the problems with abandoned Early Access games. Valve could hire a few more people and maybe try to tackle those issues.
Keine deutsche Regierung in der Nachkriegszeit der Bundesregierung hat ihren Nachfolgern so einen Scherbenhaufen hinterlassen wie die GroKo und v.a. die 16 Jahre durchregierende Merkel-CDU: