• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • As the huntress, sometimes I like to camp in a garden to heal, level up a bit, and stomp grass with Rejuvenating Steps

    I hate to steal the thread but how good are gardens really?

    I never learned how to make proper advantage of them. Obviously they have some loot, and there’s the invisibility thing but every time I wanted to use it as a resting place mobs always found me what felt as just as easily as anywhere. But the fact that they get auto marked in the list of visited places tells me they should be valuable enough to return to, similar to alchemy labs, but they don’t seem to be. But then again, maybe I’m just missing something.

    (The Rejuvenating Steps part is great but any patch of grass can do that.)

  • I don’t have experience with Twitter or Mastodon but it reminds me of time when I quit drinking.

    When I quit drinking and tried to stay around people I used to drink with, I realized really fast how pointless this “engagement” (really just two people speaking past each other, and feeling like they have deep conversation) is. It’s almost insulting what a waste of effort such an “engagement” can be.

  • Why? Why ask for this from the creator?

    If someone can create new software and offer it for free, they should not also be expected to also create a comprehensive analysis of what other people did and list of differences.

    Just take it or leave it, it’s that simple. No need to act as if you’re trying to waste some door-to-door salesman’s time.

    Edit: I expected some downvotes but not that many.

    To my defense, the question in this thread is “you could elaborate what exactly you did different than all the others”. Look, I’m not a native English speaker either but I feel we could agree that is still pretty far away from simply being curious about design choices or “what led you to create this” sort of exploratory question.

    I might have overreacted, though, so sorry for that.

  • I could describe myself in similar terms as you described yourself; basically a nerd who can also program my way out of a paper bag (and maybe a leather one).

    To me the term “tech bro” always meant someone between Elon Musk and some low middle class douche-bag who feels smart and adult about “accepting” that AI needs to be everywhere and we also need to pay for SW every month. Someone person who would say “bUt iT’s fOrD mOdEl T” and has some Alexa non-sense in their house.

  • What’s even worse that the stolen comment got much more engagement than the original.

    I’ve seen her comments all around YouTube, and this always seems to happen to her. (I’m assuming it’s because they are the most insightful, informative yet still on point.) Don’t give up Barbara, some of us are seeing through the scam and rooting for you!